
What the hell are you staring at?!?!

Did anyone read Chuck Palahniuk's YA book where the protagonist is sent to hell?

Autoplay is the worst. I've completely stopped going to the weather channel because of it(and all of the ads for garbage you'd expect to see in right wing spam, except on a site that has the veneer of providing scientific information). You'd think if I was interested in it, I'd click on it.

I'm giving cancer a thumbs down.

Isn't Daario supposed to have a hooked scnozz? Just say noes Khaleesi.

What the hell are you staring at!!!

Someone who gets out of the shower to take a piss.

Trying to watch the 5 funny minutes of  SNL on NBC.com is the worst.

Yeah dude, Spies Like Us, Three Amigos and Fletch totally sucked

something…something…sex with ewe!

Snake Plissken, back from the dead
Chillin at the beach down at Club Med.

Yes, but more importantly, is he fucking Matt Damon?

I keep forgetting Workaholics exists. Then I stream 3 episodes in a row.

This is why I always vote for whoever provides the spread in the sports section of the newspaper. Also, I plan on having the same expression as Alan Arkin when I rake in my Oscar winnings.

This is going to fuck up the whole gay or German thing I had going.

Here's what I can't figure out. The male and female anatomy have a lot of complimentary parts from a developmental standpoint. The same tissue that becomes the labia in the female becomes the testicles in the male. Same with the clitoris and the penis. The female prostate (Skene's gland or G-spot) can be accessed from

Bringing out the Dead.