
Could we just replace Nabin's commentary with this gimmick?

No son of mine is going to be a 19th century cockney bootblack!

Haha, petrol, what is your fuel made out of, rocks?  what a loser

Is there something wrong with hating people in love and happy people in general?

Can it be filmed like the Lancelot scene in Holy Grail?

Are you saying you have some pictures of Willow violating the Mann Act?

How about a Veronica Mars movie where Party Down Catering does the craft service?

Something…something…darkest timeline

But will it have incest?

Does Bottle Rocket count?

I thought it was known fact that GOPers aren't into comedy(case in point, Jim Treacher) and would rather watch denigration based reality television and "How Factories Make Carpet". Anyways, am I the only one who thought Colin Quinn's "Tough Crowd" seemed like war-time propaganda?

I've got this new scheme where I write attractive girls poetry which causes their panties to get so wet they need to remove them.


This reminds me of that episode of "Welcome Back, Kotter" where Epstein agrees to quit smoking if Kotter goes cold turkey on knishes.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I thought January was the dumping ground for comments. Will anyone remember this by December?

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I thought January was the dumping ground for comments. Will anyone remember this by December?

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I thought January was the dumping ground for comments. Will anyone remember this by December?

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I thought January was the dumping ground for comments. Will anyone remember this by December?

Dick Glover, nah I prefer snatch.

Tell me more about this shit they are advertising…