

I'll be in my bunk.

Yeah, watching Bernie Mac's constant verbal abuse of his children made me even less racist. It wasn't at all like going to the grocery store and watching a woman vent all of her rage on a helpless child.



When there was a joke in the first episode about a the censors cutting a joke about Michael Jackson with a vagina, I assumed it was about Krakowski.  But seriously, what TV needs is more degradation based humor. There is nothing funnier than someone acting horrible. That Jamie Foxx episode of SNL was the tits. I think

How about Tombstone set in a post Escape from LA.

Jennifer Jason Leigh in Altman's Kansas City.

Hey these are the good guys with the guns saving us from… the bad guys with the gambling and tax evasion.

Chief: Here we do it by the book.
McBain: Bye, book.

(2 stereotypes for the price of 1, cheapest joke on the thread)

Goldberg's half Scottish?

I use mine like a chin extension to make my face look bigger. People are really impressed by a big face.

Also, was Scooby-Doo a comedy? 

not to mention Buffy was committed to a mental hospital after believing that she had been given
supernatural powers and was on a secret mission to slay vampires. Also, the guy who took her virginity turned into a real jerk. However, it's the adrenaline rush caused by the kung fu, sex scenes and cathartic boyfriend

although they do get to party with Steve Guttenberg…

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus : yeah, it's not like Veronica Mars was a hard-boiled detective noir where she has to find her best friend's murderer, the killer of a busload of students, plus whoever gave her a roofie and an STD.  Maybe that southern California lighting is giving you the wrong

I once watched Gentleman Jim Corbett fight an Eskimo bare-knuckled for a
hundred and thirteen rounds! Back then, of course, if the fight lasted
less than fifty rounds, we demanded our nickel back.

We all know that it's your crooked wang.

We all know that it's your crooked wang.