
I saw Envy and thought it was hilarious…Vapoorize…I'm laughing my ass off just thinking about it.

I saw Envy and thought it was hilarious…Vapoorize…I'm laughing my ass off just thinking about it.

Flatulent Fox (based on a true a story)

Flatulent Fox (based on a true a story)

This explains why the only the only time i laughed was the JB Smoove scene. Of course I don't really get high concept comedy like people being sad to music, things being smashed and floating in shitwater. I have started to realize the only good part of this show is the stand up at the beginning and that has gone from

Rubies are more expensive than diamonds. Damn, don't any jewelers post on here?

Rubies are more expensive than diamonds. Damn, don't any jewelers post on here?


Then how in the hell is Peter Jackson going to make THREE movies out of something that takes less time to read. The movies are going to be longer than the audio book? You nerds need to stand up for yourselves and stop getting snookered into threequels, prequels, reboots, repukes, movies based on BOARDGAMES!!??!! The



No, cutting and pasting a Yeats poem is original, creative, and funny.

This is the first time I've been on this site since you got rid of
anonymous, and I've got to say, it's not worth coming back here again. 
Looks like you lost all the producers of original ideas. Well, at least
your advertisers and the archmage aren't being offended by humor. I
wonder if /b/ does anything creative,

This is the first time I've been on this site since you got rid of anonymous, and I've got to say, it's not worth coming back here again.  Looks like you lost all the producers of original ideas. Well, at least your advertisers and the archmage aren't being offended by humor. I wonder if /b/ does anything creative,