
This episode is an almost perfect allegory of what happened to Charlie Sheen: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
It's like looking into a mirror.
BTW, what the hell are YOU staring at?!!?!

I'd bang her terribly with Sean O'Neil's dick.


"In Soviet Scotland, farmer has sex with EWE!!"

Sean Young in Blade Runner, that's like trying to boink a semi-retarded frozen donut. Now give me a little breaking through the invisible force fields in Stripes. Hummada hummada. Oops, I think I just broke through my own force field.
What the hell are YOU starin' at!?!

I heard she was really just a coke-snortin' lover of cocaine who does cocaine and likes cocaine. Wait, what's that noise?
*building crashes down, DUCKMAN emerges from a pile of bricks, brushes off dust*

Seems fairly appropriate with all the stink about the loss of American jobs to places that treat their laborers like political dissidents in the Siberian gulag. Just switch Korean for N. Korean for China and you see where this is heading.

You, sir, have obviously never been to L.A.

HAHA psyysche—you've been Walkenrolled. But seriously ucp, Spike Jonze is badass. Hey ZMF, for reals this time, is this black enough for you: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Nice choice, but you can't beat the scene with the topless chicks dancing to "Am I Black Enough 4 Ya" while dude literally shovels a pile of yacho into his blowhole: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Hey, does anyone still read David Dylan Thomas? Normally, I like to hate on film critics ( I think it's still legal to kill them in Texas), but this guy is usually spot on. Here's a link for those who can't get enough info: http://www.daviddylanthomas…

Hey, does anyone still read David Dylan Thomas reviews. I love to hate on critics in general (who hasn't been burned by some hack in the studio's pocket) but this guy I like. Here's a link if anyone's interested: http://www.daviddylanthomas…

Here are the Baron's greatest works in order: This is Spinal Tap, Princess Bride, and then for third its a tie between the synchronized swimming and the "I hate when I do that" skits from SNL.
That is all.

Hey anyone remember when the hosts were talented enough to do a monologue that didn't include 6 cast members?

I don't care what they do as long as they don't have some piece of crap stained glass/WPA background and Conan goes back to being a humble geek with a quick wit instead of some arrogant prick that everyone hates.
Oh yeah, and maybe a nymphomaniac telephone operator with the muscle