
Yeah, these fucks have been on the Howard Stern show before. They make Daniel Carver of the KKK seem passive and likeable. I'd say killing them all would only make them martyrs…fuck it. Kill them all.

South Park should beat Walhberg to the punch then and have the Entourage cast on a flight to the middle east which promptly gets hijacked by terrorists. Long story short, farewell you fictional Hollywood sycophants.

I'll sit through Fear over Huckabees anyday. Existentialism films almost never work as it is, but when you throw in meatheads like Jude Law and Marky Mark? Fuck off.

I love the first soundtrack. Mostly for the Type O Negative and Orbital songs.

It's wrong to feel any emotion at all for characters who kill each other in every possible combination in every incarnation. The very idea of them having backstories is laughable, except to give a bottomfeeder explaination of how this motherfucker over here can shoot fireballs.

Street Fighter was the swan song for Raul Julia so perhaps they'll get another screen legend before he suddenly kicks the bucket. Stay far, far away Chow Yun Fat.

I hate everyone here.

Too bad he makes any at all.

A day without sex is a day wasted.

Relax. Better and worse guys than this Carnahan tool have tried to get the project off the ground. All have failed. It ain't happening.

I want a Flaming Moe.

Oh hell yeah. Natasha Henstridge was a goddess.

Heavens to betsy! Is that Canceraids you've got on your face?

Fiction That's Actually Fact is a good movie.

But then there would be no zany movie.

Kubert's average, but save your hate for Rob Leifeld or whomever is drawing Superman right now.

It's a toss up between Surfer Rosa and Doolittle, but I'd give it to Surfer Rosa. "Where Is My Mind?" y'all…plus tits on the album cover. I even love the bits of dialogue Albini recorded without their knowledge.

Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood, btw.