
John Lithgow at his best too. Dude is scary as hell.

That opening theme was from the closing moments of the movie Blow Out ("Good scream"). Also used in Death Proof when Jungle Julia texts the unseen Christian Simonson hoping he'll show up to the party

I was happy to see things had smoothed over in between episodes. Sylvia finding out she's recovering and getting laid on the regular probably helped Kurt's drinking prospects. Or rather, his coffee and acid wind down.

I've been feeling the melancholy of this show from the jump and enjoying it despite, or more accurately, because of the bleakness. Since LOUIE would balance the sad with the absurd, Horace and Pete has been a great look at the day to day beat down.

The fact that he went out to make the deposit with a gun is in line with the man being an old school son of a bitch and not taking any chances of being robbed. But the quiet exit on the door and the silent credits make me wonder if that is the last time we see Uncle Pete. If he dies, it's because he went quietly in

Can't they adapt The Long Walk already? They could do it cheap and it would work. So overdue.

You happy now, bitch?

I do believe the name of the show is House of PIES. Thank YOU.

So happy you're back, Mr. Rabin.

I've been laughing and relating to this show very much. The dead silence at the tea party as Liz clutched the stuffed animal after being schooled by a kid both made me laugh and then immediately caused me to be upset. Maybe it really was just breaking down the statistical math but I felt enormous empathy for Liz and


"Let's burn that cross when we come to it."

I think it's killer as an intro, but as an end theme when it goes, "LIVIN' THE GOOD LIFE-THROW YA HANDS UP! YE-YE-YE-YEAHHHHHHHHHHH" I would snicker a bit with my girlfriend at the time.

Johnny Lewis did indeed murder an old lady and then committed suicide. He went from being on the main cast of an edgy drama and dating Katy Perry to being a junkie with a mean streak. Real waste.

This was a good one for sure. It's setting up a few chess pieces, sure, but they're going to lead to some interesting moves if they pay off the way I think they will. Juice and Jerry are the dark horses that are gonna fuck up all of Jax's scheming. I can't wait.

I don't know if it was just the Johnny Cash tune pulling at my heartstrings a bit combined with Forrest Whitaker's delivery of the line, "It's personal" at the end of "On the Jones," but it gets me upset. It was the moment where it finally sunk in, for whatever reason, that he was a good man doing bad shit when he

The immediate aftermath of Lem is some of my favorite Shield stuff. Vic's white hot rage is just barely checked enough by Ronnie and Shane. Shane's a mess with guilt. Kavanaugh making a serious of rash moves like he almost wanted to get caught himself. It's all so grim that thank God for Dutch and Billings which is

The Mayor Quimby line made me snicker, too.

I don't think Gemma or anyone else is going to survive this show. That'll be the last connection left to Hamlet they can possibly string together since it involves a high body count to the central cast. Namely, the whole cast.

It's not like this is the first exercise of bad taste this show has ever done (hell, half the time that's why we all show up) but I think this gag just fell flat for any number of reasons other than me just feeling like a wimp tonight. If they had to rely on that shitty graphic then they should have thought of a