
Honestly the story has nowhere else left to go anyway. I feel like if it went any longer it would just dilute the story.

Horseback fights for people who aren't heavily experienced riders are very hard to choreograph. Hell even professional horseback riding fights only look cool when people are charging.

I think she is just very good at bluffing and keeping a blank face.

I feel like either the Ferguson or Iraq War one needs to be on this list. Sure neither is particulary funny but the comparison about what you know about these relatively recent events and what actually happened is really fascinating.

What I think the Dollop likes to get across more than anything is that the world is completely different now than it used to be. The history they teach you in schools leaves out all the horrible stuff people do. It also leaves out just how backwards and terrible people were even just 100 years ago.

Forgive me but you can do the C section after she dies anyway can't you? Or at least closer to when she's actually dying?

Her shows are literally advertised as Shondaland so it's completely fair

Im guessing Cydney just because I feel like she should be getting a better edit considering how awesome she is.

Jeff has mentioned before the food reward they show during challenge is rarely the actual reward they receive since those challenge usually last hours once all the filming stuff is done.

Yeah I am almost certain they are foreshadowing some kind of big woman's alliance at this point.

Didn't like the entire first half of the season boots get voted out because Abi had a vendetta against them?

I feel like both Carrie Preston and Patrick Warburton are better then this but if they want to do a pleasant middle of the road sitcom that will probably go like 5 seasons yet nobody will ever hear about (there's like 15 of them) then good for them

Carol is more of a spy/commando and can't be wasted doing long ass negotiations. She also shows her ruthless side when frustrated so she's not the face you want.

CitizenFour while interesting kinda faded from my memory remarkably quickly.

Considering he can see the future I kinda expected Reverb's death to be a fakeout.

I suspect orphan black would just say Canada (they are certainly making little effort to disguise it's location) if they didn't require the US military to be villains.

That's because their terrible wigs makes The Originals and Vampire Diaries 10 times better.

Mum (or Mom?) is actually a fairly decent sitcom. It's no seinfeld or anything but it's got some interesting topics, both leads are great together and it's regularly laugh out loud funny to me.

The Zygons broke the ceasefire this time. I have a strong suspicion that the humans might have broken it plenty of times as well.

I want nothing more in this game then Spencer and Kass being forced into an alliance together.