
Wouldn't the Bolero sequence be a better choice for a music pick in Legion?

Im thinking that it's some guys who's last name is X doing that

Wow I didn't even like her and that's somehow too soon.

He is going to join when he finds out thy he's actually a Blossom child.

Wearing yellow or something would absolutely be an insult. White is iffy because some cultures do wear white for funerals they don't in america

Maybe not everywhere but that location was part of a quest line where you ambush the bandits in that location. So that location in particular is designed to have all kinds of special effects like shooting through stuff.

The indoor bridge was very clearly green screened so they might not have access at the moment or something.

I imagine having Kalinda no be able to interact with the lead character would have drastically limited her storylines.

The finale of Survivor also makes alot up for that midgame fuckup they did with the stacking tribes. The final immunity is a fairly amazing endurance challenge both in the will of the people playing and the general design. (It's on a clifftop over the water that keeps getting sprayed more and more by the water as the

I have always thought that that would almost always be the greatest ramification of any time travel. Your conception is essentially a random number generator applied to your genes and even the slightest change to someone about to get someone pregnant basically rerolls half their child's DNA.

I felt like he could have done the reveal when he mentioned the place was called Domonics.

God I wish someone would make a new version of farscape or at least a new scifi series with the sense of weirdness that it had.

editing fucking anything is exhausting work

I wonder if Adnen would have got the same support if that was the picture people had in their head of him?

Rifles are widely available in rural areas. You need to apply for a gun license (and have a reason to own one) but if you live in any kind of bush area it's relatively easy to get one. Owning a gun if you live in a city is very hard. You also need a certificate from a gun range saying you can fire and service a gun.

It's generally a great system though. The reality is there's a good portion of Australians who support those views and there fore they get represented.

I still have no idea what they are talking about.

The dead fireman dad is now a dead cop dad and they solve crimes. I wish I was kidding.

Of the last 3 dollops Disco Demolition Night it the clear winner with yet another truly bizarre story about baseball as the worlds hatred against Disco intersects with a baseball managers love of weird stunt's and contests. Every Dollop story about baseball has been classic and this is no exception.

While I will give you Kit Harington saying lines is't fully convincing, he is an excellent physical actor and looks genuinely at home with a sword.