
Sleepy Hollow sounded like the worst concept ever as well. You can see with season 2 how badly that concept could be mangled too.

I actually felt that this costume was strong enough to hold up to the full daylight treatment. It's better to save the darkness treatment for costumes that clearly can't take full view.

I think once the people start talking face to face a bit more that will come into play. You will get to see the reactions around them as Will randomly just starts speaking Icelandic or something.

Yeah to me the point of that scene was besides taking advantage of the local culture for some pretty film was to demonstrate that this guy truly loved her. He wasn't going to turn up and be secretly evil or something he just straight loved her and she was the one breaking his heart.

Provided they can get Silence of the Lambs. It's looking more and more like the rights holders are going to be assholes.

That fight would have worked better if they didn't have to the shot of all 3 of them standing together beforehand. If I have a weapon that's long ranged and silent that can kill the villain I am going to sneak up. He's the fucking head of the league of Assassins for fuck sake be a little sneakier.

The good thing about Hallways is there's plenty of obstacles to fight through, there is nowhere to run from the fight plus it gives plenty of blocking to switch in stunt doubles.

To be fair you don't get the whole weep over your loved ones corpse thing he was going for when their skin sticks to you when you touch them.

Yes because the ocean would have kept the liquid monster in one place.

To be fair they do have a bunch of Felicity's shit lying around. She probably has a couple of identity destroying viruses lying around.

To be fair coulson was also the only one in like 5 billion dollar movies

Seriously how are their effects so good on a CW budget?

It was partially she either had some botox or plastic surgery during the run which was preventing her from emoting properly for a while there.

The Messenger is nobody's thing. I like shitty supernatural dramas a lot but this one is just awful. The acting is fucking awful and the effects are so cheap.

I will nitpick and say one of the moves where she slid in she was clearly aiming at the wrong place. That being said it was an awesome scene and the kind of distinctive visuals that was so sorely lacking in the first season.

It's the tracksuits and upright posture I think. They give her body a totally different leaner shape that really makes her look different.

How it works is everyone has both endurance and health. Endurance is basically in battle health and restores after every battle plus through numerous abilities in battle. Every battle you also take health damage which only rare abilities restore and this gradually starts limiting your endurance. Once your health drop

Goddamn the death system in Baldur's Gate 2 was annoying. You would have to go and pickup and equip every goddamn item despite the fact that it was balanced around most parties having easy access to ressurection.

Theres been so many Mike does dumb shit moments though and they have been clearly building the Mike and Rodney hate each other thing that I think Rodney is going to take him out.

Surely the producers gave them a better reward after the chocolate promo was over?