Breakfast for Dinner

"I feel sorry for your loved ones, but they're probably just as dumb as you."


Totally, I remember seeing an episode of Growing Pains where they were flying around eating the bark off the last tree in the galaxy. Rip off!


Seconding your nod to animation…

Ditto @ Bullshit,

@ Lars

Shaun, Fuzz and Bubba = Great.

Rainman is entertaining but unfortunately too many people regard it as a text book about autism. (Hoffman's portrayal is realistic but the spectrum of behaviours associated with autism is vast and complicated.)

@ Right Wingnut


@ the rationalist,

And now please pardon my lame double-posting.

@ Felt Pelt, Milkman and everybody else.

@Felt Pelt, Milkman and everybody else,

I was a projectionist for many years. I worked a theatre with 16 screens, 12, 10, 8, 1, etc, with projectors that varied in make, model, upkeep and age.

@Felt Pelt,

"People always say, "lowered boom mikes are usually a projection problem." And they're usually right."

I think morality and appropriateness in music are easier to explore with children than poor taste.

Late Night with David After The Dentist
David: Is this real life?