
Next you're gonna tell us she has seen a more well-endowed man than him before

I was expecting this interview to end with the band slowing down gradually over the last few bars

I meant the dying.

To finally find out the truth about his pillar and stones

What he got was a great head of curly locks! So happy for him

Definitely didn't help that they had to sail right past King's Landing

Yeah they were awful, but this scene was easily their best

And I was there too!

Alma Matters

It's all in how you read it

I never claimed to be witty! Also I didn't bother reading the article truth be told

Oh fuck this asshole

Yes yes that's normal. Call me if you start to Oscillate Wildly

That joke isn't funny anymore

Sure, how does an Interesting Drug sound?

You'd think either they would have changed or we would have stopped hoping to find it here by now

He/She Handel'd being on stage very well

I didn't want to be the one to say it

Someone on CNN just said she is a very lovely, sweet person. Between this and the Playboy guy, I'm starting to think maybe the whole time I've been the one who doesn't understand what words mean