
She actually just said "The president in no way, form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence" WITH A STRAIGHT FACE

I've heard this too, but how can you reconcile being a "nice guy" and lying to the world every day? And I don't feel sorry for him for not being able to meet God's ambassador to Earth, because… well, come on.

Oh well I don't blame him. Thanks. I was afraid the popular opinion of Jar Jar had changed since I was a kid.

You're not a Gungan are you?

For what part??


Exactly my point. There is no conspiracy in hiding some magical cure-all treatment, or in making kids sick by giving secretly harmful vaccines. The problem is indeed the control of the private sector on our access to health.

Only they don't hide them from us. They dangle treatments in our faces and charge more money than almost ANYONE can afford for them.

It's just so much easier to say you're a skeptic than to follow it up with actually thinking!

I had one dude there tell me "Doctors even have the cure for cancer, but they're not giving it to us because they need to make money."

Yeah the first time I encountered it was also from liberal, college educated people. It's a problem when you spend so much time around the alternative medicine section at Whole Foods that you put your unwavering trust in the hippie working the loofa display.

He's got a ton of free time on his hands now

All those times I've made fun of other people for their typos have come to bite me in the ass!

Lucas was a fan in the sense that he felt his sole purpose was to cool the heat off of them.

Go Whitefish!

As soon as he does something that really pisses Putin off. This Syria shit might just be our… golden ticket.

Or DT does record everything and is lying about not having them

Ok but this time let's play for a science victory plz

I dunno. Hard to see how her look under she glasses

ESPECIALLY that shit