
What part is horseshit? You don't agree that it's a good thing Fallon is speaking up? I'm past the point of caring when people woke up. We need as many people on our side as we can get.

I agree with this. Zinoman posted a great article today @ NYTimes about Letterman's spotty past with Trump, and it made me kinda feel bad for being so harsh about Fallon…

This is what I'm most afraid of

"Didn't spoil it"? The header image is a giant lightning bolt and the headline includes the words "jump scare". Am I missing the joke?

Can't we promote him already? Fermented Crab King perhaps?

Well she could use it to infiltrate King's Landing to off Cersei, though she risks Cersei offing her as Baelish first

Not sure if anyone has spoken about this, but I'm curious about your takes on why exactly Bran snapped out of warging the murder of crows. Is the Night King's power so strong that he only has to look at Bran-wargs to render them useless? And what would that mean if he indeed does warg into other flying beasts in the

I just realized who I thought Dickon was this whole time!

And don't tooch mah sistah. She's M'Lady to you.

This would be the perfect time to warg into Ghost

No Valyrian steel, but there's a dragonglass inlay that spells "Arry" on the shaft

I wish after we'd seen him spying, we'd then see Sansa spying on him, and then one of his spies watching her, and then Bran spying on the spy. Total Sothoryosi Standoff

You're absolutely right! She's got to be fucking with him. Totally didn't think about that.

I can't wait for her to stick him with the pointy end of his own dagger


The half-magnificent, half-hateful seven or eight or so

And Giovanni Ribisi as Giovanni di Ser Giovanni. (Look it up)

These weapons are so rare that only the most important or richest families own them, and this giant asshole of a dad doesn't go after his wimpy son to get it back? It's not like it was too far from Hornhill for Dickon to go try and get, at least, if not Randyll himself.

I don't care when either Tarly dies, but I'd like one of them to first at least mention that their house's Valyrian steel sword has gone missing

This is why it's a touchy situation. An employer doesn't need to coerce an employee explicitly or implicitly for it to be an ethical violation. Inherently, the employer has power over the employee, and the employee in the relationship has a real or perceived advantage over other employees.