
Yeah it's easy to make a joke without thinking about it. Deleting my comment too

Because of the earlier harvest

It's just nice that the world is so devoid of real problems and superhero movies that they feel compelled to stand up for such an injustice

I thought you said ROMO

Gone are the days of purple shrouds and Nikes… Kids are so patient now!

How does one go about getting a Martian passport?

Maybe they can Voltron a piece of each person in this line of succession into one (potentially less) grotesque figure.

I was totally referring to you, and the comment you made before responding to me is a great example of why I said so.

I was just about to say the same thing. I don't know what's worse: People who act superior to you because they prefer vinyl, or people who act superior because they listen to entire albums as FLAC's. Jesus Christ.

I'd just like to say I'm very on board with these dudes going full compression with this record. That air gun snare is heaven

And get annoyed at the one dude who invited his girlfriend AGAIN.

*Conan also sharpens knives, but Fallon can't hear him because TBS is even more nothing than death*

I've been in enough bands to know you do a lot more useful shit at band practice than play 1 song, maybe 5 seconds of a few other songs here and there, and listen to some jackass crack jokes the rest of the time.

Makes about 1/2 cup

1/2 cup Hellman’s mayonnaise

He knows your phone has technology inside it

I'm a moron, responding with new threads. Yes, both are awful

I don't care for either, although neither is as bad as the extra long commercial break before Final Jeopardy

You want a whipping boy? Try Lord Xist.

They also feel the need now to give every fucking character a middle name. And they're always awful

I'll cede that point, although she doesn't strike me as particularly crucial anyway. Even in the epilogue Vader had a bigger impact