
Until you watch La La Land

Red is for Trump

I guess that's a good enough excuse to forget that our country and world are in the shitter, when Meryl Streep is sitting right in front of you

Wait, did he just say he wished he had something more meaningful to say?

My second favorite scene from LLL, behind the one where he mansplains why Rebel Without A Cause is a great movie to the actress

No one does, but they weren't using all that marshland to the west of Animal Kingdom, because no one really cares about Animal Kingdom anyway

He was robbed.

Fuck yeah Miami shout out! 305!!!

Doing Truman Capote

Goddamn the Academy

He took his sister as a date? What a loser

That would upstage LLL

They couldn't fit Paxton into that last minute though?

I dunno I didn't catch his name

This is like when that rich guy showed the dude who holds the nuclear football. Why show the face of the guy who plays everyone off in the middle of their heartfelt speeches?

And explained jazz to a white man?? Are you mad?

Well why isn't he one of the dancers then?

Well yeah, we all saw the movie

Why didn't they get Ryan Gosling to sing this?

Mean Tweets are lame. Now mean AV Club comments on the other hand…