
The best lead actress to win a supporting actress award!

Not gonna happen. He was slapping her ass on the red carpet and she just stood there with a bewildered and horrified face. Someone needs to save her

Someone shove this guy off the stage for talkin about a dead loved one

Wouldn't it be great if this dude just counted down the whole 33 seconds?

Really glad Sacha Baron Cohen isn't on stage RN

Yeah, they don't mind you taking too long to thank people, but when you start bumming people out by talking about your dead wife, they won't have any of that

They didn't just play him off, the little dude behind him was shoving him off!

Great now I'll never fall back asleep

I haven't been able to stop talking to friends about this record! I find it beautifully awkward in its lyrics (really wordy at times, but so confessional that it feels appropriate), musical inspirations (Death Spiral is so Timbaland-esque that I feel like Longstreth is playing Bizarro-JT in a nightmare version of "Cry

Ok I just got back from running another experiment and turns out it's more like 4-5 squares (granted, it's a small sample size so far). And yeah, you get CUS wet and it can get pretty linty. Bidets FTW.

I prefer Charmin Ultra Soft, but it's really all in the name of efficiency. It might soak up quicker, but if one starts with that, I think one can minimize tp wastage. I'd like to know how much others use. I'm baring my soul here people! In the name of science

THANK YOU. Both great points. Not to mention, you can keep folding, thus maximizing the use of tp area. IT'S GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, YOU FASCIST WADDERS!

Want to race?

That's a valid point about there being a greater distance. I'd be interested to know how many squares people who wad are using vs those who fold. I want to say I use 2-3 squares (just enough to wrap around the hand once?) It's not prissy though!! I'm not anal (pun!) about folding along perforations.

That's really interesting, and sort of surprising to me for some reason! I was under the impression a majority of people folded. But I'll have to check out that poll

Hi. MD here. You can pronounce clitoris either way.

*too shocked and infuriated to give a proper response*

I was in love with Marnie until she wadded her tp. Grl plz. Fold it.


Is this the X-wing parked on Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood, California, or the X-wing parked on Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood, Florida?