
Yeah I really can't decide what is more racist; the jokes themselves or that they think can swap a country on one continent for a country on another.

The 4 P's and 1 B!

Let's don't forget the audio engineer in the queue video for the Rock N Roller Coaster, please.

I agree on every point.


I suspect that he only got a different death because the Faith Militant wouldn't allow Maesters in the Sept.

RIP Ricjom and Win Win Ramsey.

But we did have to go almost an entire season of whatever Tyrion and the others were doing before that…

Yeah I was hoping Ghost coulda used some dinner too

And only two for Bronn who at least has won a Trial by Combat already, and who's smart enough to know when to fight and when not to.

In the Expanded Universe book "Tatooine Ghost" by Troy Denning, although that took place after ROTJ

Is that Malin Akerman? I felt sorry for her until that.

Holy shit I can't believe I didn't see that before

I couldn't have won that marathon without either

Yeah it seemed to me that at first Arya was just running away from her in any direction, but at some point she was close enough to her hideout to lead her there. I'm fine with that aspect of the chase scene.

There's a Season 2 of Party Down!!!!!

I disagree. Boobs > CGI kinda-racist, annoying and silly character

Two times. Two times.

Sketch comedy troupe it is then

Must rewatch