Batman Jesus

Holy shit, the Louis Anderson stuff was . . . I almost had to pull over.

I think the two different takes on Foodfight compliment each other really well. The WHV guys get so ANGRY about the film while the Peaches get driven insane. It's like the difference between a Howard and a Lovecraft mythos story. Or something.

Jason yells, "What is happening," June tries to justify a random plot element and Paul gets some facts about the making of the movie wrong.

Food Fight made the WHM guys so angry, it was incredible. Both podcasts make a nice team-up with this movie.

Yep. Listening to this while driving and I had to pull over in a Burger King parking lot I was laughing so hard. Also, new crinkle fries.

Just so long as it involves a villain who returns after hundreds of years seeking revenge. I can't get enough of that one.

I'm all for it. The crew of the Enterprise might go off on a "mission" of some kind or be involved in an "adventure" of some sort.

Damn, that brings a real tear to my eye. Damn.

And why would you express your disgust for a child by ARMING HIM?

He only added the extra "t" to distance himself from his father Uncle It!

IT was pretty much the same in both versions.

Well, that was . . . worked on.

Ugh, I posted with the wrong account. This is going to bug me for the rest of the day.

Welp. It's a couple of days late but I'm laughing.

It's just that it looks so . . . wrong. That movie is a great example of scary incongruity. Things just don't flow right.

I include that one as well! I admit to liking The Goonies and also to it being a kinda terrible film!

I stand by my statement that Hocus Pocus and the Boondock Saints are movies that are okay to like if you first saw them when you were legally a child. After that, what is wrong with you?

Are we still accepting entries?! Because mine is the super quick reveal of the teenage girl's body in the closet in the American remake of The Ring. Holy shit. I yelled out loud in the theater and couldn't rewatch that scene ever. Plus, it ratcheted up the dread in the film because now, anything could happen.

John Wayne as Macbeth!? This teacher is really keeping us on our toes!