Batman Jesus

"So, what did you do at your mom's house?"
"Watched Minecraft Videos."
- Typical conversation with my 12yo.

Now I can't stop thinking about Classy Clancy Cleavage.

Oh, god, yes.

At birth, all girls of Nordic birth are issued a standard set of adorable front teeth. This is a fact.

He looks like Anne Ramsey in a pageboy.

The way he says, "Wha - what have you done with your mother?" is chilling.

I'm going to have to mention that The Flop House's newest episode "B*A*P*S" had me laughing out loud in strangled barks in my car. It is THAT funny.

On that note: can someone please give me a solid definition for "Fart Rock?" I know what it is when I hear it, I know what they mean, but I can never fully describe it or come up with a solid example. I'll take my answer off the air.

I took the family to see this LEGO Movie. Me, the SO, the 3yo and the 12yo all agree - it was unquestionably alright. We laughed a bit, looked around a bit and left. I think the experience was best summed up by the 12yo upon getting back in the car: "Can we go out to eat?"

Plane sprouts raccoon tail.

Does he get increasingly bitter every time a movie - ANY MOVIE - is released? "How do they do it?!" he may be heard screaming into his café miel.

No. I don't think we're going to be forced to sit through this at staff meetings.

Both parents! Their heads were crushed.

Yyyyyyyyyyup! Oh, and it's a fun time-killer.

God, I love Montana. Nothing else to add.

Oh, I am the Grither! You cannot escape me! For pleading is useless, and so are your prayers!

True story: I saw the original in the theater, in junior high at a birthday party. A bunch of eighth grade boys, presented with the opportunity to see any movie they wanted, chose a dark adult-themed domestic comedy. We loved it. Oh, and it had a Simpsons short before it.

I totally agree! I think Dan got in a lot of good moments this episode. I'm listening to it again and he and Elliott play off each other nicely for big chunks of it.

Oh, man, the Jeffrey Jones treatment. His name has been cropping up more and more in the past few months and finally getting a Jones-focused episode was . . . dark.

YES! Oh, the bile dripping from their mouths every time they have to say it. And, they HAVE to say it.