
Boyz 4 Now for me. I remember just being absolutely stunned by that one. Louise's hormonal, girly reactions (and her confusion at them) are one of the greatest things Bob's Burgers has ever done.


"What is it this week, mommy - dragon or tits?"
"We'll just have to watch it and find out, won't we Timmy?"

'Closed Circuit' is the tragic end to the Short Circuit trilogy where we see that the ending to the second film was a fantasy and Johnny 5 never really did wake up on that dockside. How will the grief affect Benjamin, Newton, Stephanie and Fred? Tune in and find out.

We need a name for this news. Maybe we should call it 'Operation Hot Hurwitz'.

I used the Christopher example after my girlfriend and I had finished the episode and were discussing whether Walt could kill Jesse at this point in the season.

"You think you're the only male anti-hero on a critically acclaimed drama?"

You are remembering it incorrectly. Though the last 9 did have one step-down of an episode ("Chasing It"). Overall though they were electric and the finale was pitch-perfect (the whole episode, not just the final scene although that's obviously what most people remember from the episode).

Huell's lifting of the dope is what stands between me and the "the vacumn repair guy was a hitman" theory. Because I can't see why he would take it in that scenario. Taking it because it would be a complication in the disappearing plan and would look bad on Saul to be sending a junkie for the service, fine. But

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  has it spot on - it was after season 4, so it was doing very well in the ratings compared to how it was. Both Gilligan and AMC wanted it back for a final season but AMC wanted 6-8 episodes and Gilligan wanted a full season of 13 episodes. Two half-seasons of 8 episodes

Two confessions. Neither were an "admission of guilt".

As someone who turned 30 last November, I can fully attest to the truth of this. Not that I moped much, though I did occasionally think "But I'm a twenty-something. That's who I am and have been for a decade". But then you hit 30, realise it doesn't mater in the slightest and move on, continuing to be the exact same

I've been listening to Modern Love a lot lately thanks to Frances Ha reminding me how great a song it is. One of those songs where I feel the verses are far superior to the chorus but still a cracking tune.

Pathetic little fat man, 
No one's bloody laughing, 
The clown that no one laughs at, 
They all just wish he'd die.

You have to question the motives of that site for investigating this. Sure, it yielded some interesting facts but it sounds suspiciously like it started because of some "our Kickstarter vs. his Kickstarter" pettiness.

That doesn't make sense - X-Men 2 is still one of the better superhero films and that's by Fox.

The A.V. Club
I'll watch (title). I hope it's awful.

"Doesn't Mary have a lovely bottom?"

It wasn't that mixed - it was almost all positive, if tempered with a bit of "It's not as good as the first two, but…" from a lot of people. I can't remember any out and out bad reviews and very few moderate ones. I think it was at about 89% when it was just UK reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

Catch me later!