
Well, despite his best efforts he does seem to be able to drink less and less as he goes along, thanks to small thing like being barred and big things like being distracted by a huge robot invasion. And he is sober at the end of the film, or at least ordering waters instead of beer. So you may be on to something -

Pointless bit of trivia - I've only seen this once but noticed about half way through that each pub has its numerical position in the crawl written somewhere inside of it, whether it be an opening time or a date on a background sign, or something a bit more obvious like a table number.

AVC: You’ve called The World’s End the closing chapter of your trilogy. But we can assume you’ll all work together again, right?

"Are you proud of me?"
"Very proud… minus."

Don't go being a twat now!

I liked This is the End but this is much better. Despite both being a film made by a group of friends, this one feels much less self-indulgent for one thing and also manages to have a self-adsorbed asshole at the centre of the film who you can still actually root for.

I love both types of comedy but I have to agree about Shaun - I watched it again recently and am still awed by how perfectly structured it is. Everything builds and feeds off what has gone before yet nothing feels artificially set up.

I absolutely love Curb but you (and Wright) are correct - for the first few seasons a huge chunk of Cheryl's dialogue was just her saying "Oh yeah?" or - as seems to be the case with a few other actors as well - just repeating back whatever Larry said in a more incredulous tone.

They're not six hours long?

But it's still difficult because 'row' could mean a line of things or a way to move a boat or an argument - and that last one sounds different too!

I haven't yet watched the Learn Guitar videos but the Office Revisited sketches for Comic Relief were brilliant. The music video was one of the funniest things I've seen all year. And I was dreading his trying to bring back Brent after such a pitch-perfect ending to The Office.

'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"

@avclub-7f1909495ef590046fdc4f001d246606:disqus  - "Luckily, a surprisingly large portion of kids today seem actively interested in pop culture's past"

Fantastic song but yeah, it's basically a man saying "Listen, you're 'much too young', but you're dressed older and are obviously up for it. So I'm going to appease my guilt by giving you a chance to leave but if you don't then, hey, I've given you a chance and it's fair game from here on out"

Perhaps, but the comparison "I'm sure dating her is like talking to a white sheet of paper with a little bit of vanilla ice cream on it that doesn't say anything" makes the article worth it. Such a bizarre analogy and yet you instantly get what he means.

The A.V. Club
Nerds supreme, or something I guess

Because it's a sitcom that follows the 'hapless fool protagonist' structure and has done for many episodes at this point.

Exactly! How much could a pair of tongs cost?

T'was a roundabout in my youth as well, despite the name also being used for the traffic system.

He was in episode 1, both at the start and later on at the dinner table when he realises that Hank and Marie cancelling their family plans means he has a night free.