
The only time I've ever found Amy Poehler sexy. She's obviously not unattractive but she's never floated my boat except in that scene.

I was not aware of that. Brilliant news!

I was not aware of that. Brilliant news!

No, they're completely seperate - Malcom and Jamie are the only characters in both the series and the film (and they don't carry any continuity over). Everyone else plays a newcharacter in In the Loop.

No, they're completely seperate - Malcom and Jamie are the only characters in both the series and the film (and they don't carry any continuity over). Everyone else plays a newcharacter in In the Loop.

The 25th seems to be the assumed date by most due to it premiering at the BFI on the 14th August and being shown as part for the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival, which runs from 23rd to 25th August (so it would be pointless if it had already aired by then). It also follows the same pattern as

The 25th seems to be the assumed date by most due to it premiering at the BFI on the 14th August and being shown as part for the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival, which runs from 23rd to 25th August (so it would be pointless if it had already aired by then). It also follows the same pattern as

Why can no-one write Afternoon Delight correctly?

It's AABB in both.

It's AABB in both.

It was less than two weeks - they managed to do that show covering the past week's worth of events.

It was less than two weeks - they managed to do that show covering the past week's worth of events.

I think the core idea of setting the show about a year and a half prior to ours is great. One of the often-mentioned problems with Studio 60 was that the fictional show didn't measure up to the standards set by the show's mythology. Hell, it didn't even measure up to modern-day SNL.

I think the core idea of setting the show about a year and a half prior to ours is great. One of the often-mentioned problems with Studio 60 was that the fictional show didn't measure up to the standards set by the show's mythology. Hell, it didn't even measure up to modern-day SNL.

You're very wrong.

You're very wrong.

Good point. I went for Amy's choice because of the glimpse The Dream Lord gives us  into The Doctor's psyche but The Girl Who Waited is fantastic.

Good point. I went for Amy's choice because of the glimpse The Dream Lord gives us  into The Doctor's psyche but The Girl Who Waited is fantastic.

I completely agree, he's absolutely repellent. His ultra passive-aggressive, pent-up frustration snivelling is just horrible but in the best possible way. I love how thrown the DOSAC team is when he first cracks at them.

I completely agree, he's absolutely repellent. His ultra passive-aggressive, pent-up frustration snivelling is just horrible but in the best possible way. I love how thrown the DOSAC team is when he first cracks at them.