
That's what I assumed from the shared use of Live Free or Die as an episode title.

That's actually a great idea for a For Our Consideration. Breaking Bad does foreshadowing really well but some shows play it poorly, using flashforwards just for a quick WTF moment, which can be great on a superficial level when watching that episode but can then drag the series down as you watch the next episodes

That's actually a great idea for a For Our Consideration. Breaking Bad does foreshadowing really well but some shows play it poorly, using flashforwards just for a quick WTF moment, which can be great on a superficial level when watching that episode but can then drag the series down as you watch the next episodes

Yeah, but Immortal Beloved: The Winter Soldier is better.

Yeah, but Immortal Beloved: The Winter Soldier is better.

Socialising with strangers can be odd but I imagine it was easy with Todd being as you can compile the first three paragraphs from every review he's posted on here and know 80% of his life story.

Socialising with strangers can be odd but I imagine it was easy with Todd being as you can compile the first three paragraphs from every review he's posted on here and know 80% of his life story.

Is it Sims who's writing The Thick of It reviews? If so he's knocking them out of the park.Some of the best reviews on the site at the moment.

Is it Sims who's writing The Thick of It reviews? If so he's knocking them out of the park.Some of the best reviews on the site at the moment.

Jenna is by far the MVP of 30 Rock now. And I'm not saying that to slight the rest of the cast but the writers have finally got a handle on her and Jane Krakowski is playing the hell out of her.

Jenna is by far the MVP of 30 Rock now. And I'm not saying that to slight the rest of the cast but the writers have finally got a handle on her and Jane Krakowski is playing the hell out of her.

Agreed, and then some. You've put into words my main problem with season 3. I have no problem with Community's occasional swerve into sincerity when it works - Mixology's final third was almost completely joke-free and was great, Documentary Film Making was one of the funniest episodes but would stop and be

Agreed, and then some. You've put into words my main problem with season 3. I have no problem with Community's occasional swerve into sincerity when it works - Mixology's final third was almost completely joke-free and was great, Documentary Film Making was one of the funniest episodes but would stop and be

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus  - sad to admit I didn't notice the symmetry until I watched them closer together on blu-ray.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus  - sad to admit I didn't notice the symmetry until I watched them closer together on blu-ray.

Hopefully the transition from old-dull to new-wonder will also go the TRON: Legacy route and not have any 3D untiL Franco enters Oz. However, judging from the RIGHTATCHA hat toss shot I don't think that's the case.

Hopefully the transition from old-dull to new-wonder will also go the TRON: Legacy route and not have any 3D untiL Franco enters Oz. However, judging from the RIGHTATCHA hat toss shot I don't think that's the case.

Ditto. The Gray Matters part of the story may turn out to have a huge bearing on the final 16.