
@avclub-fd49932f918497f20b2931ddc110bcbe:disqus  - don't forget Gendry. he's a bastard (in the lineage sense, not the character-traits sense). He seems decent enough but then I'm not sure he really knows how bastardy he is, what with him not knowing his real father. There might be more bitterness if you're the bastard

@avclub-fd49932f918497f20b2931ddc110bcbe:disqus  - don't forget Gendry. he's a bastard (in the lineage sense, not the character-traits sense). He seems decent enough but then I'm not sure he really knows how bastardy he is, what with him not knowing his real father. There might be more bitterness if you're the bastard

@avclub-8d2583b317ce1bd4962cec8605c5676a:disqus  - do you mean there might not have been 500 men outside? My girlfriend and I thought that brielfy, that it was a ruse, but then remembered that Theon said he had looked out at 500 men so they were definitely there.

@avclub-8d2583b317ce1bd4962cec8605c5676a:disqus  - do you mean there might not have been 500 men outside? My girlfriend and I thought that brielfy, that it was a ruse, but then remembered that Theon said he had looked out at 500 men so they were definitely there.

Yes, yes yes. Times 33 1/3.

Yes, yes yes. Times 33 1/3.

Same here. It's similar to the "Bingo…" punchline in Naked Gun. And both brilliantly played by Nielsen.

Same here. It's similar to the "Bingo…" punchline in Naked Gun. And both brilliantly played by Nielsen.

Rutger Hauer aside - but only because I hadn't thought of it - I'm just as fucking sad. Logically I know there's no way it's going to happen but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be surprised and gutted come December 22nd when it doesn't materialise.

Rutger Hauer aside - but only because I hadn't thought of it - I'm just as fucking sad. Logically I know there's no way it's going to happen but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be surprised and gutted come December 22nd when it doesn't materialise.

Or we could have lost loads of cool episodes and still had X-Files: I Want to Believe come along and kill the franchise.

Or we could have lost loads of cool episodes and still had X-Files: I Want to Believe come along and kill the franchise.

@avclub-dd755305314c9b3f54a6e0d87b0cab22:disqus I've only seen it once, way back in 2003, but I remember quite liking Sunshine Days. There are a good few caveats to that point - I hadn't been a regular viewer since mid-season 6 (but before that I was a full-on X-Phile), the ones I had seen were rubbish and, thanks to

@avclub-dd755305314c9b3f54a6e0d87b0cab22:disqus I've only seen it once, way back in 2003, but I remember quite liking Sunshine Days. There are a good few caveats to that point - I hadn't been a regular viewer since mid-season 6 (but before that I was a full-on X-Phile), the ones I had seen were rubbish and, thanks to

When you're a cannibal that's called tenderizing the meat.

When you're a cannibal that's called tenderizing the meat.

Don't just stare at it, eat it.

Don't just stare at it, eat it.

They were waiting for the DVD. They haven't got the attention span for this week-by-week bullshit.

They were waiting for the DVD. They haven't got the attention span for this week-by-week bullshit.