Mads Mikkelsen In A Floral Pri

Definitely agree with you about his music choices in "Sucker Punch" and about "Watchmen" in general, but I actually thought "The Times They Are A-Changing" was a good choice, specifically because of how overplayed it is.  Watching that montage felt like, oh, if superheroes actually existed, this is what a historical

No, but it was my stage name in the late 70's and most of the 80's.

Nothing To Lose also helped introduce the world to the healing power of Scatman John's "Scatman". SHOBBA-DOBBA-DEEEEEE-DOP-BOP-BA-DA-BOP!

Wasn't crazy about her in Dharma and Greg, but she was smokin' hot as the angel stripper in Can't Hardly Wait.

Joel and Ethan Coen present…
Wild West: The C.O.W.Boys of Moo Mesa

Props, DM. It is fucking ridiculous how little love that song gets. I wanted to do it as a duet so I could sing the doo-doo-doo's, but it took forever to find one of my friends who knew it. And then we both completely forgot how the bridge goes.

You know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin playing "I Know What Boys Like" by the Waitresses.

Oh, god damn it, I never double post. Somebody shove me into their black sedan.

Karaoke revelations
I recently saw a guy intro "Vehicle" by Ides of March with "This is my third-favorite song about rape." Aside from making me chuckle like a son of a bitch, it made me realize simultaneously how creepy that song's lyrics can be and what an awesome fucking karaoke song it is.

Karaoke revelations
I recently saw a guy intro "Vehicle" by Ides of March with "This is my third-favorite song about rape." Aside from making me chuckle like a son of a bitch, it made me realize simultaneously how creepy that song's lyrics can be and what an awesome fucking karaoke song it is.

"Werewolves" is my go-to as well. I'm generally a terrible singer, but the aaa-OOOO is the one thing I can do that's quasi-impressive. Also, glad to hear I'm not the only one who busts out "Under the Sea."

Jesus Christ. I also remember Stunt Dawgs, including most of the theme song, characters, and basic premise. Thanks for making me remember that I remember that.
*throws Sneeze Bomb at Buttfuck_McGee

I agree Winehouse or Adele would be fine choices, but Cee-Lo Green's voice over a James Bond title sequence would be the greatest thing in the history of hyperbole.

Here was a Battlecar! When comes such another?

Phew! Almost forgot that "gay" is a bad thing. Thanks, Sommalammadingdong!

"Vulva-magenticism" is easily the greatest typo in the whole history of typos. Line up, ladies! AXE Body Spray will turn your parts magenta!!!

Nightcrawler's dead now? Damn…

That one didn't really make too strong an impression on me, but I'm willing to believe it's more badass in the context of the film. Thanks, internet strangers! To the queue!

Home Alone
The two entries from "Home Alone" seem like even more of a waste when you realize he didn't include "I'll tell you what I"m gonna give you, Snakes…" Also, Steve Zissou's "I'm gonna kill you for that, asshole! I'm gonna hit you so fucking hard…..you'll be BLIND!!!" is maybe the greatest ineffectual threat

I'm about halfway through "The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers"
Strongly considering going on a string of bank robberies with a "coming back to life after getting shot to death by the police" gimmick.