Mads Mikkelsen In A Floral Pri

I think it's woefully naive of you to assume that Tyson wouldn't come at that puppy with everything he's got.

Quantum of Solace is excellent i will fight any man in this room

I'd like to think that a singalong of John Prine's "Please Don't Bury Me" would bring smiles to my hypothetical bereaved.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus It actually was a reboot.  That's why when they do the flashback to his origin and initial transformation his wacky Nick Nolte dad isn't involved at all.  What's nice about "Incredible" is that it didn't spend a lot of time rehashing the origin and it starts the action

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus It actually was a reboot.  That's why when they do the flashback to his origin and initial transformation his wacky Nick Nolte dad isn't involved at all.  What's nice about "Incredible" is that it didn't spend a lot of time rehashing the origin and it starts the action

That's…kind of your fault.

That's…kind of your fault.

MCA looks like Carcetti from "The Wire" in that picture.  That is the sum total of my contribution to this conversation.

Yeah, assuming IMDB is correct, his movies total 1319 minutes.  Maybe they weren't counting credits?  In any event, as you say, a lot of 'splosions.

I'll happily second that; Cage is delightfully Cage in it and Connery's peformance is positively Conneryesque.  Also: CANDYMAN!!!

So, what is Dynamite Hack then?  NOT the greatest band ever???

Not sure if I'm unspoiling or spoiling further, but for what it's worth, that car scene only happens like 15 minutes in.

And that was how Arsenio Billingham stumbled onto the secret of Sonic the Hedgehog's double life as internet commenter "glazomaniac".

I'm pretty sure they can still call it "Death: The High Cost of Living".

I definitely wouldn't have scrolled down as far as I did, except I had to know what you were talking about.  So, thanks, I guess.

Or Chloe Moretz.

Hatin' on 'ginas, plagiarizing Ray Smuckles…there's basically no part of your comment that isn't deeply offensive to me on a personal level.

Both "Night Falls Over Kortedala" and "When I Said I Wanted To Be Your Dog" are excellent albums full of great stuff, especially "Your Arms Around Me",  "Shirin", "A Postcard for Nina" and "And I Remember Every Kiss" off the former and "A Higher Power", "Silvia", "Julie", and "The Cold Swedish Winter" off the latter.

I thought it was "nickels", which would at least make noise.  Either way, thanks for reminding me of that one time when Winona Ryder was awesome.

Sucker Punch is still awful, though.