Mads Mikkelsen In A Floral Pri

I agree with Jammer Jim, et al. Not gonna change your life, but it's a fun superhero movie and definitely better than Iron Man 2. Ortenzia's right that you should skip the 3d, though; I feel like it increased the fake-ness of the special effects by a good 25%.

"You can't be in America and joke about race." I'm sure this country's stand-up comedians and sitcom writers will be grateful to know they've been doing it wrong all this time. Thanks, IFFB!

Also, I'll second Mr. Cycy with a hearty "Fuck yeah!" Michael Emerson + Jonathan Nolan sounds rad as all hell.

"O'Neeeeeaaalll!!!! Get in here! Just what is it you're trying to accomplish out there BESIDES BUSTING MY CHOPS!!!!!"
Sorry if this is troll-feeding, but I figured if we've got to see this stupid gimmick all over the godddamn place, we could at least soften the blow with a reminder that the Teenage Mutant Ninja

I've always felt that what AV Club is missing is more murdered blind girls.

I guess waiting to see the film and judging it and Murray's performance on their merits is out of the question?

I am actually Robert Davi in swaddling clothes.

Wait a second, wait a second…Shelley Duvall was in Nirvana???

I did, but not as soon as I feel like I should have.

I had to go to her wikipedia page to figure out where the hate was coming from. Yeesh. Is misguided political rhetoric just a natural consequence of playing blonde airheads on decades-old television? Can Lucy from "Twin Peaks" be reached for comment?

Satisfield activated!!!

Horatio Sanz is lookin' pretty good in that picture. This is all I have to contribute.

Hollyhox wins. Flawless victory.


Unless that was on purpose, in which case, well done.

HA—-no, no need to rub it in. You know what you did.

Alan Strang?


While I realize the inherent folly in disagreeing with ZMF, the Migrant makes a good point. Plus, for every Heat, there's about 4,000 X-Men Origins: Wolverines.