Mads Mikkelsen In A Floral Pri

Do yourself a favor and watch "It's A Wonderful Life" this year, Viofrous. You'll be glad you did.

For me, the highlight is Jim Carrey as Jimmy Stewart mercilessly mocking Jim Carrey. "This fella mugs so much he should put a HANDLE on the side of his head!"

Hats off to you, Mr. Compactica. I will admit that I lol'd. I will neither confirm nor deny that I roflcoptered.

That's Ukridge. I know him.

Is it this one?

Three time loser, in what movie does Samuel L. Jackson refer to himself as a "mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker"? And don't go bringing up the whole Pulp Fiction blah blah thing; that's so tired.

Also: nice one, Double Felix. Thanks for nerding with me.

Nazi Donald would make a fantastic end boss.

That's probably the most brilliant and creative defense of an alleged typo I've ever seen. No offense, but are you sure Sponge didn't come up with that?

I'll bet Dora can use "were" correctly and she's not even a native speaker!

Judging by the title
I was kind of hoping this game was based around fucking up the adventures of Rose Tyler and The Doctor, but this cartoon mouse shit looks pretty rad, too.

A guy that's 5'5"
I have it on good authority that the motherfucker in question couldn't act his way out of a rubber.

3001) McCloud!!!

I'm reading your stuff.

I read somewhere Dane Cook talking about how early in his career he played a club so small that his act was interrupted by the sound of an audience member loudly vomiting in the restroom. When the guy came out, Cook goes "You okay? We could hear you in there." and starts giving him a hard time and the guy shoots back…

I know how you feel, Smartypants. I was forced to sit through the commentary of a Uwe Boll DVD once. The self-centered, sanctimonius, self-righteous meter was well-buried deep in red.

"Santa Baby"- Eartha Kitt. Mostly because it's a great song, but also because Madonna's terrible version needs to be wiped off the face of the planet. Is Rufus Wainwright busy?

I had the same reaction, Isis, but if you click the link it's pretty clear they mean "unwavering support" in the sense that they want to help their extremely mentally ill family member get better, not in the sense that he did a great job demon-slaying.

Painfully relevant
Steven Soderbergh looks like the dean in "Community".

*ferrets Gerbil away inside own rectum
*barters with ZMF for safe passage to Switzerland
*Heh! "Ferrets…"
*intercepted en route by Don Caballero and the Three Caballeros
*sacrifices own life while Gerbil scurries to safety
*Elegant Victorian Lady faints dead away