
Like everyone else, I'm enjoying the Dorian stuff most of all. But he's so clearly People that I wonder if the show can go too far in the other direction, to the point where we forget he's a robot and/or it ceases to be a source of drama. Tonight was fine: We had talk of missing chest plates and we saw him asking for

I thought the show would use this to venture into Dorian-dates-a-human territory (well, a human who is not Karl Urban).

I really did think that the episode would end with Dorian telling her to touch herself, after which Ealy would summarily "Phrasing!" himself.

If anyone has a good handle on these…

The premise has similar implications to the invention of a perfect lie detector (which is the premise of The Truth Machine).

Yeah, they were by far the best things about that show. Vanasse was so adorable and charming; it was impossible to look away.

With Mommie Dearest eyebrows.

And I'll try to never read another word about him again, in case that is *not* the case, because being truculent with the media fits my image of him perfectly and is as it should be.

"The Cliffs of Mental Illness" have lost some of their menace, too.

The yin-yang fish were more interesting and addressed pretty much the same big point.

Please do write the big explanation. You have my axe reading eyes!

Thank you; I see what you mean, and it's a great point. Thanks for expanding your idea.

That would be awesome (gotta love Sandra) but in the moment I saw Hayden's move more as a way to not get any blood on his hands; he didn't actually feel that he was in any danger. Either that, or it was a politeness, a way of saying something "nice" but empty since he couldn't address the question substantively

It did occur to me that some roguish voter, just to mess with people's minds, might write down "Dad" in anticipation of Ciera's wording. It would have to be Tyson: agreed. (And I imagine it would fall on Production to insist on a legit name.)

So Monica is both annoyingly paranoid *and* gullible enough to be convinced that her paranoia is not justified? She has to know she's on the bottom of her alliance, especially after last episode (Tina's speech).

Like a Newton's Cradle, everyone should have a set on their desk at the office, in full view.

Did Ciera end up messing up her own game a little bit by lobbying for her mother? The edit seemed to be one of those where the contestant tells us about a danger they should avoid and then they go ahead and step right into it anyway. (Like Kat re: keeping her mouth shut.)

I guess people got really used to using the first letter of the two Lauras' surnames to differentiate them, because they kept doing so tonight, even when there was no danger of ambiguity.

*holds up vote*

Very pendulous.