
Could you elaborate pls? It's sounding interesting but I don't fully follow.

I don't think Dushku is going to suddenly learn how to act in 20 years.


It's also slightly interesting, at least theoretically, to see Peter's usual danger-of-having-an-affair but this time with a pregnant woman.

Now that Marshall's subplot is apparently over: Was there any point to that? To keeping him separate from the rest of the cast for multiple episodes. I don't think there was enough of a humor payoff, and, as the reviewer says, the dramatic payoff was rote.

The pregnancy shtick that Garbanzo insists on employing (and explaining) every single time she enters a room is like an eccentric-judge shtick, except not entertaining.

The ruffling was good, but I didn't get the way the scene with the bullet was presented. Why wait till you're at the door to write the initials on the bullet? Why look around like a cartoon spy before dropping it through the mail hole thing? (The answer is so we know she's doing something "wrong," but I mean what's


I don't know where to ask this, but I honestly can't figure out how to get to the review of the latest episode of "The Good Wife." All I can see is the overview article in TV Review.

What I mean is, it looked to me for a while as though the show would go from (1) he has been making up tall tales all this time and none of them are true to (2) he actually came through this (one) time. But in fact what we got is: (1) the too-pat plan *doesn't* work (the flute), but (2) he stumbles onto a solution by

Me, too, actually! The human backpack thing was so awesome.

Thanks a lot!


[SPOILERS for the finale]

"Zhu Li, do the thing."

Maybe, but the other type seemed inevitable too: That his crazy plan (the flute thing, it seemed at one point) would in fact work. I like it better the way the show did it.

Bolin was super-awesome in his big fight at the arena/mover theater, but that all didn't really follow from anything that came immediately before it; it wasn't the logical progression of an arc. He was comic relief (and *good* comic relief) for most of the season, and then he was an action hero: the one thing came

Were the planets (as seen in the Harmonic Convergence) the same as those of our (IRL) solar system?

Lion-turtles all the way.
