
Primer is more hardcore, but, by virtue of being in English and, I assume, more easily available maybe it loses hipster points. What say the judges?

Very nice!

We rarely get to see her smile on Orphan Black, and tonight on Parks her smile was so warm and winning. Lit up the proverbial room.

And here it's even more fancy, since it never happens with a W that is not followed by an H.

Would the show foreshadow something so blatantly, and so conspicuously (in terms of the coincidence) via the case of the week: Maybe his father needs a kidney or bone marrow.

I would love to see Jonathan Pryce as the father. (aka that guy who kept trying to sell us Infinitys.) He has some grey-hat work under his belt: He was The Engineer in Miss Saigon. He could pull off witty, supercilious, and not-outright-evil-but-capricious-and-selfish.

They are, more importantly, for profiling your not-supposed-to-be-there significant other, probably posthumously.

I did not love the final Mycroft reveal. It seems to sacrifice a lot of good character work for the sake of some empty-calories vague surprise. I hope his motives are somewhat good (Scotland Yard, as you guys have mentioned) rather than outright nefarious, because the more stupidly evil they are, the more the brother

She was so awesome on Southland—I don't blame you. On the bright side, she gets a lot more airtime here.

TV has done the she's-not-my-mistress-she's-my-daughter reveal quite a few times (my memory fails, but probably Criminal Intent, The Mentalist, Life, and other eccentric detective shows). Here it's nicely jumbled up with the Kept Woman reveal/fake-out. For a while it looks like Gale has been dead all this time (but of

We might have to change "two."

I would fare so, so badly on this show. The combo of skipping meals and having to try to be nice to people would not end well.

*toenail falls off*

I think it was Kim who said that half this game is dumb-people wrangling.

Maybe a zinger-off instead? I already like you because of your excellent taste (No Hannibal!), and I'm also rather fond of myself, so pistols is a lose-lose proposition. What do you say if, instead, we sit in silence for long periods of time—so long that people start to think we're shy or maybe even simple—but then

I loved the way he responded to Tina. To begin with, she was being a little self-righteous, and that could have escalated quickly if he made the mistake of addressing the issue at that level; instead, he cut through the bullshit and disarmed her.

Henceforth known simply as "Robinson," I gather, because Probst.

Yeah, I loved that scene. Everyone, in turn: "Yeah, me too, I had an alliance with him."

*sniffs hands*

*furiously takes notes*