
The Earl helicopter shot atop the mountain… LOL.

So it's not really "You're my new loved one!" but rather an indirect but inescapable consequence from tacit "I'll never write your name down" promises, maybe. (Which is tantamount to a Final Two deal.)

For a season with so many returning players, there was more voluntary offering of information than there needed to be, I thought. Tina was saying things that held no tactical benefit in being said. Ditto Monica and Vytas at Tribal. I realize they were desperate, to varying extents, but there was so little chance of…

It makes sense (since they both lost their loved ones), but did we know before tonight that Hayden and Caleb were a (de facto) pair?

Katie rocking the Immunity Necklace: "Work it!"

How did he pronounce it (if this is something that can be rendered in writing)?

Division is dead; long live Division.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan was practically an Evil Twin.

"I don't like your vibe!"

I loved that Schmidt does the "soot" pronunciation of "room." (Doesn't rhyme with "bloom"; it's more like a schwa.)

So we got two versions (or parts) of the scene at the sauna. I'm not clear on what the show was doing there. Why didn't we hear the homophobic bit when Peralta was telling the story? Was he being noble (by minimizing his hero punch and not tooting his own horn)?


She d'Artagnans into the picture later as a fourth Angel.

Good point. *While* watching them, the connection was not obvious (to me), meaning the flashbacks had a little (meta) mystery to them (How are these connected to the present?), which kept things lively.

All that, and at the same time it wasn't pat or overdetermined or reductive: the flashbacks weren't *too* related to the present-day action.

I'd like to thank all the little people that helped me get to where I am today.

*blushes in shame / at the flattery*

Nice. Obviously The Machine is Charlie.

In a subtle anti-nod to Colantoni's old show, Joss spends the whole episode refusing Backup. (In other words, effectively telling the bad guys to "Just Shoot Me.")

I realize she was trying to throw Fusco a bone and "have a moment" with him, but when she said that he was the only one she could trust with the key, I started counting off all the *other* people she could trust with it, too, and it's three minimum, maybe four if we include the hot fixer.