
Crane would absolutely go to town on the original meaning of the word "Nerd" or the abacus with which he used to do Division.

Man, I prefer my episodes free-range!

In the canon, Watson marries a woman. Know when to stick to the canon, Show!

It might have been more a hope than an actual guess as to where the story was going :)

My mind blanked out on the possibility of Joan running into an old sober-companion client, so I took the meaningful looks to be about some romantic liaison in Joan's distant past. (But even as I couldn't think of any other hypothesis, the one I *did* have felt weak even at the time.)

I had assumed Alfredo was representing all of the Irregulars, so we've had more or less the same notion.

The show is so good about weaving in stuff from the source material that I have to wonder whether the man whom Sherlock is now sponsoring might be a Trojan horse for some sort of character from the canon. I'm not familiar enough with it to guess, but I think it would be smart misdirection to introduce him as belonging

He also said something like "WILL KATIE BE ABLE TO HOOK IT" and I'm like, dude, don't banish her to prostitution just yet, it's just a stupid three-person duel.

It's hard to predict. Best gameplay sometimes gets respect, other times the bitterness eclipses it and the coattails person wins.

When she ended up winning the immunity challenge, I went "Ah! So that's why all those comments of Probst were put in/left in." He seriously said she was dead last about four or five times. It also explains why she has figured so prominently in the edit the whole season (well, the rocks also helped): whoever comes back

Much less powerful than their comrades 23 letters over.

"Do Robots FlashForward to Electric Futures?"

And sometimes people use it very broadly, to mean, in essence, that whoever is speaking is putting invisible air quotes around a word. (e.g., "fun" in "funhouse," if in fact the experience is very much not-fun—pretty much as you describe)

.. which, as "rules" go, seems like too-little, too-late for Star Trek given the post-scarcity economy, the replicators, and whatever was behind the Holodeck (…such that it could produce seemingly free, limitless, real-seeming things). Surely all that could be used at some point to solve *some* of the problems.

And masturbation isn't even the biggest "Phrasing!" this could get.

It would be like Olden Times where the first son inherited the land, the second became a soldier, and the third a priest. (Or, more recently, doctor/lawyer…). Except every family would want at least one of its members to get the enhancement that allows them to talk to their ancestors. It would be a whole thing: The

In The Future, we all tilt right.

That other cop, the one with the shaved head, was way too surprised when Dorian told him that he had scanned all the surveillance-camera footage to see where the Petite Psychic had gone. I mean, this should be a standard thing by now.

I wonder how the show will explain why one Cool Tech from one episode doesn't get used in future episodes. That hologram trick could solve A LOT of problems down the line.

Or maybe they were Under the Influence and that's why they kept missing.