
She also looked better when she was less thin.

If he has *any* non-selfless motive at all, it's a certain sense of his own importance: the idea that his intervening can improve people's lives. But, if this exists at all, it's certainly not conscious. I agree that he simply thinks he's helping.

I might be in a weird mindframe at the moment, but the glans/mons adjacency is also making it weird.

So you're saying (1) Alicia wasn't the one who tried to bribe the Native Americans; (2) Longname *told* L&G she was; (3) L&G don't actually know he's lying? That's interesting; it paints L&G's move in a slightly less sinister light.

Wait, so it's not "down a town"? I've been reading it wrong all this time.

The whole thing is hilarious. The casual way that the term "pigman" is bandied about has me in stitches. Alas, it's not a minotaur type of situation, but still.

She is a little shrill. But something—the self-deprecation? Lingering "Wild Side" goodwill? I'm not sure—still allows me to find her endearing.

The pigman business was good. But yeah.

Jack the Ripper mindmeld, you and me.

And Bates revealed, after his killing spree, as the direct descendant (is there any other kind?) of Jack the Ripper.

She does seem to occupy a not-very-populated niche. (I don't know what to call it… Pixie cut no longer in the first bloom of youth?)

True! Her brittleness serves the movie well.

Upon hearing the show's concept, I dreaded it, but it was actually very enjoyable. (No surprises re: its chances, though: It *looked* DOA and it was.)

Never change, stupid people.

Where else are quivering chin enthusiasts going to go?

I appreciate the character beat—in theory—of his being devoted to Carrie specifically now rather than the CIA in general, but the actor (and, as you say, the efforts at accent) aren't really convincing for me either, and the show is too ahead of me in its opinion of just how badass he is. I just don't buy it.

Yeah, if I block out the pregnancy stuff and the (related) imminent Brody stuff, this is the kind of episode I want from this show. It certainly doesn't aspire to the heights of "The Weekend," but if this is representative of the show's quality going forward, I think it would be just about enough to overcome the

I thought both sides (Diane and Will on the one hand, and Alicia and company on the other) were reaching some sort of detente, what with Owen's softening of Will and also Alicia's not-as-damning-of-L&G-as-it-could-have-been deposition. But this perjuring thing seems like scorched-earth: I don't see how the

I'm afraid to stop using them. They're the only things my dryer will eat.

Jackie twists Eli's arm about "rectifying" the downvote that her pro-Peter comment got. Eli, through a circuitous route involving his daughter and Dreama Walker, recruits Zach for the job. Garbanzo insinuates herself into the proceedings over a perceived, theoretical, and/or preemptive ethics concern. We,