
His general decency with and vulnerability toward Owen was also very endearing and confusing. I know, I know, something can be two things, but my brain hurts from trying to decide whether I can cheer along with Will and Diane when they high-five, especially in an episode where they effectively bribe a dude into

"I find his aroma has a certain appeal."

Cary: "Ace…"

Oh my god, Peter would have killed him. And I shiver at the notion of what Alicia might have done.

DISQUS self-update: Someone is finding me creepy.

Wait, Daredevil is in this?

"Reviews are cool."

Liked for choosing "posthaste" rather than "stat" or "ASAP."

It's almost as though the comments might be somewhat affected by those little words above them.

Or telling her she's right.

Don't make fun of those who are verbally more disunfortunate than you.

Go on, son: channelize your rabiosity.

She rides a cello like no one's business.

He does a gay Slingblade pose that is amazing.

Like the trajectories for drug addiction and finding Jesus because of an illness, the hot librarian is a notion that, while cliched, still retains its power over a lot of people.

Olivia d'Abo, nemesis of one of Sherlock Holmes' spiritual heirs, Robert Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio, Criminal Intent).

At least it's not something gross like legumes.

Bitterness also helps.

"Axe"? "Axe"? Man, we are full on racist tonight.