
Chunky or creamy?

Maybe I got this wrong way back when I made my first from-context guess at the concept of a gif, but isn't the image supposed to be on a seamless loop, without a little skip between one round and the next?

Ha! That's perfect.

So: Promotion!

And what's Ollie's middle name? ;)

I thought her first name was "Don't Rest On Your."

Next week: His sidekick, Owem Gee.

Or if you do change, do so in front of us, like Sara Lance.

Okay, IMHO you win the internet.

He'll get his revenge yet! His next book will be titled The.

It's all rental. Can you ever really own a chimp?

Isn't he really saying "never"?

I really thought the complaint would be that the title messes up the book's cataloguing/indexing somehow, by virtue of the too-short title.

I agree about the need for reassurance—that's the main thing I got from her conversation with Tyson.

You can see the stripper aspect of Chastity, right?

He's the best at what he does.

This makes sense. There's no reason to think these scenes were filmed later, to spackle up a few holes, so it's more likely that there were questions of logistical and financial feasibility.

I briefly wondered if that was it, if there was simply no good spot for the camera. I guess a "Children of Men" type of thing is possible but maybe too expensive.

Is that "Commented" in the style of "lawyered"?

The long shots clearly showed that they were actually on location, with the actors and everything rather than stand-ins, so I don't quite get why the close-ups had to be via awful green screen.