
Good thing I'm not the only one irked by it. I'm pretty sure if she just called him Richard, Jason, or Tim, the theater would've been hootin' and hollerin'. Like the casual fan isn't gonna get on the internets to figure out what they'd just seen.

Good thing I'm not the only one irked by it. I'm pretty sure if she just called him Richard, Jason, or Tim, the theater would've been hootin' and hollerin'. Like the casual fan isn't gonna get on the internets to figure out what they'd just seen.

Halfway through, I was honestly thinking, "Change Blake's name to Drake, and you've got a good Robin thing going. Aw, what a waste." Of course, by the ending when he picked up his bag and she said she liked his real name, it became, "Wait, his name is Robin? Well, that's stupid."

Halfway through, I was honestly thinking, "Change Blake's name to Drake, and you've got a good Robin thing going. Aw, what a waste." Of course, by the ending when he picked up his bag and she said she liked his real name, it became, "Wait, his name is Robin? Well, that's stupid."

How about the obligatory Community reference: Scarecrow must know a lot about crazy farm animals.

It's summer. I should know better than to get excited when these notifications show up.

It's summer. I should know better than to get excited when these notifications show up.

My problem with Girls isn't that they're all white. It's just that it's too, for lack of a better word, hipster.

And Michael Haggins' "Daybreak" lives for another episode! Please tell me it's not just me (and Troy and Annie) humming this song.

Red-Haired Guy? Wait, Magnitude?!

It seems as the TV Club ratings go down for this show, their ratings and popularity goes up.

I coulda sworn Jimmy was using Leonard as a "sexless inn keeper."

Not-so-subtle strikes at Glee and the revival of Christmas Idol's Halie? What wasn't to love??

Okay, honestly, did anyone else find themselves humming Abed's radio tune from "Horror Fiction"? I was and I was cracking up when Troy did, too, and also a little freaked out…

When I think Esposito, I think, "Yo!"

Yeah, I should really check him out in Imdb. In my defense, Dean Pelton didn't know either…

Is it just me or is this show really dropping in quality. When the mocking was from the outside on the guys, it was funny. Now when it comes from within and the guys are essentially knocking on themselves, it's just sad. It's like the show is focusing on the geek/nerd factor to draw in the casual viewer more than the

What happened to Chang? He's fallen the most out of all of them, and is now like a caricature of himself. I bought him as a student trying to find his way again, but now a security guard relegated to minor jokes? I missed the psychotic man in power that was Senor Chang.

I just don't like Robin for Barney. I don't think they work well as a romantic couple. Things like Murtaugh and Zip, Zip, Zip worked well for me. Although I think they made her intentionally boring, unfunny, and uninteresting to make way for a Barney+Robin reunion, Nora made Barney's heart freaking skip!
I just have to

Is this the end of Team Nora? Looks that way…