
Cue the Annie, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I'm afraid of this, because even last season saw them conveniently get shirts to Tokyo. What I'd like to happen is either Andy rejects them or, at the very least, they're back to square one with a rep in Andy and nothing else but hope.

I'd much rather have Ginny around than Lulu. Lulu is just blah and unnecessary, whereas Ginny was simply underutilized.

Yup, that's him. I guess they just needed to be screwed over before realizing this guy just wants to make it like them. And was that Rachel crawling back to Edie in the preview?

I guess it just felt like it was dragging its feet and wasting time with stories like Lulu and Tim. I suppose you can kinda justify Tim with Rachel's crash, though. And yes, her hitting rock bottom was just plain sad.

Man, been calling Nancy's screwing over since third episode when Andy called Ben back. Sucks it had to come to this, but I guess they can't "make it" quite yet. I guess that's why I'm liking this more than Entourage. Not everything is going to be a nice, happy ending. BTW, is it really only an 8 episode season? Are we

Skip in the morning, PTI in the afternoon, Beads rerun at night. Watching actual news is just depressing.

"Actually, I thought the first two renditions were far more compelling. Previously, I felt sympathy for the Leonard character. Now I just find him to be whiny and annoying."

I really liked the episode, up until they caught the guy. Catching the guy was just a little too neat and lackluster and didn't live up to the last forty minutes.

I loved the refocus on the Crisp line, but hated the two girls. I guess if they were just a little more Midwest than Cali Valley, it would've been better. Just not as fun seeing them go out tonight as it was when they took Kapo to Avenue last season.

This was complete and utter BS! If you suck on your three garment showing, you should be out! You can't spring a non-elimination out of nowhere because you want to see what they can do. Don't see Top Chef doing that.

As an entire episode, this was my favorite of the entire series. There's some great character development going on. It's crazy how likable Rachel's getting, despite gettin' with Do.

I'm getting tired of Dean Pelton's flamboyant nature now. It was funny when it wasn't so obvious and you had to pick up on those subtle hints. Maybe it has to do with what Troy was saying about subtlety before and after Scary Movie.

Actually, it's the episode that got me hooked on this show.

I agree, although I stopped liking him toward the end of his relationship with Penny. As Raj said, maybe a season too early, "He was a lot more fun when he had no hope."

I'm on Team Nora, but that's a different story. These Barney-Robin team-ups seem to me like a heavy handed hint that they'll be the ones ending up together. My prediction: maybe they're not getting married in the season finale wedding, but she'll attempt to break up the wedding by confessing her love to him or

4) Well, they said he was going to meet actually meet her at Barney's wedding, so it looks like we'll meet her in this season finale or next season's premiere. Whether they immediately hit it off or not is another question entirely.

Not as great as the season premiere in terms of my interest, but it was great in moving the story forward. Don't tell me Cam's gonna become a chef now. Although I liked the Ben and Julie break-up, it seemed kind of abrupt from the premiere to here. I am kind of irked that it's taken them this long for them to realize

I was tolerating Han in the beginning because I just figured he'd be relegated to a background character, but his greater presence in these last couple episodes is just frickin' annoying. As an Asian, I find it's all right when you make fun of the accent and cultural differences in a certain way, but I don't really

I love the little Generation Kill reunions on 3XK and this episode. It wasn't a great episode, but I did like the focus on Ryan for a change.