
Weren't we all hoping for Sonya's head to explode, though? Don't lie now, y'all know we were.

Is Caroline Catherine's sister?

If you found him creepy, then mission accomplished. He's a wonderful, creepy weirdo.

I am a gigantic Britney Spears fan. She's an inspiration. And that monologue by Craig is precisely when I seriously fell in love with him. He's such an amazing human being. My best friend and I have a list of perfect celebrities and Craig's been on the very top of it for years now.

My money's on Bridget Reagan, she deserves something meaty to play.

But the thing is, Jane's not a surrogate since the baby's biologically hers. As there was no contract in place at the time of the insemination and Jane hasn't signed away any parental rights, and threw away her own lawsuit, the baby's completely hers. Petra has zero claim to it and it would take a person who

The neckbeards would rage, it'd be glorious.

The difference, though, is that Cher can act, speak English, and is hilarious. I loved both her appearances on W&G, especially the one where Jack didn't believe she was the actual Cher and kept doing Cher in front of Cher to show Cher how Cher should be done.

That's not really the writers' decision. They're not responsible for editing.

Yeah, I can't buy Petra as 25. Mostly because I'm almost 23 and I can't be as old as characters on my shows, I am just not prepared. I'll stick to watching Desperate Housewives and the Golden Girls for now, thank you very much.

I choose to believe that the character that was pushed down the stairs is actually Abuela's twin sister, that bitch hunter from Teen Wolf. She had that coming. Abuela's fine, just drinking champagne at the bar.

His chest deserves top billing in the credits, tbqh.

The fact that we're wasting time on Michael and Nadine instead of having Luisa and Rose on the screen for the full hour infuriates me every week.

She's forgotten how to speak Spanish and now only speaks English! Go for them ratings!

Episodes is really far from awful. It may not be groundbreaking or anything, but it's hilarious.

Did you happen to see her on the X-Factor a couple of years back? My god, that was something to watch!

There are ways.

From now on I'm imagining Montoya as Beatriz. Genius.

We know they've been in couples therapy. This is Mark probably just finally snapping. Though I do agree with you.

At this point I'd be more willing to believe that the cat owns Jake.