
I highly doubt she has date bras on account of every possible bra looking amazing on her. She just has bras.

No. Just no.

I'm gonna need to see Lisa Kudrow literally covered with Emmys. Like swimming in a sea of Emmys. She deserves all of them.

Yeah, but it still references that Matt LeBlanc exists, which means Friends exists, which means Lisa Kudrow exists. I'm not a fan of going meta like this because it makes my head hurt.

This is just such an Arrested Development thing to do, putting so much thought into a joke very few are ever gonna see. I love it.

The idea that he could keep even a cat alive is ludicrous.

But… who will… tell you?

Here, do you want my blouse?

Plus he's insanely freaking gorgeous.

French kissing…

What a subtle way of bringing up your great physical shape. Kudos.

Yeah, when I tell people to start watching this show, I don't have to do the usual routine of "it doesn't really get good until episode insert number here". This show started out strong and is only constantly getting better. It's truly a blessing and we remain unworthy.

They emote all the time. Seriously. Holt's basically giddy in every episode, in his unique way.

She did spend the night, though.

Are you suggesting that episode 21 of this season ends up in a precinct shooting in which everyone but Jake is brutally murdered?

I honestly need an ongoing right now.

Oh, okay. Unless a show splashes a big time stamp on the screen, I'm probably not noticing.

I'm sorry, but before this season Bonnie never had a storyline as big as Enzo's. Which is a damn shame, I've been saying it for years and now I'm finally being proven right. It's funny how they needed to jettison Bonnie to a different universe and separate her from the entire cast to make her look relevant and not

Jo the witch doctor should honestly at least suggest this. Given the kind of let's say focus this season has been putting on medical school and medical professionals, I wouldn't be surprised if those two storylines merged somehow. #saveLizForbes

So who's the new actress?