Willfully dumb
Willfully dumb
You're not fully dumb until you're willfully dumb
Willfully dumb
Willfully dumb
You're not fully dumb until you're willfully dumb
So true about the stigma of doing a flick like that back then. And you just knew at the time you'd never see any of those guys again. Porky's, believe it or not, had quite a killer rep as a particularly raunchy teen sex comedy. The penis in the hole thing actually pushed the envelope of the 'R' rating in '82….and…
That's ok, Buster. For a full decade I've been trying to figure out the deal with Paulie Walnuts and shoes. I guess the real deal is with Terrence Winters and shoes.
I think it speaks volumes of the Queen City that one has to go to Newport, Kentucky to have any fun in Cincinnati.
Don't know about anyone else, but I would buy separate tickets to an evening of Dylan and Beatles stories as told by Donovan.
Not dumb but willfully dumb. Tony's (and Carmella's) capacity for selective thinking is legendary in its breadth.
I still consider 'Christopher' to be an absolute abortion. To me it exists apart from any other episode of the series' run. Christopher Columbus? The canned speeches? It reminded me of the post-9/11 episode of 'The West Wing'. Better to just pretend it never happened. 'In Camelot', at least, contributes to the…
But with a fecal underscent.
Me three on the Polly Bergen love. This was not a characterization that would have benefited from understatement. Ms. Bergen, in fact, was astoundingly effective, as evidenced by the visceral response we have to the 'Happy Birthday' scene. A lesser performance, a less "hammy" performance, and the scene would not have…
Not to pick nits, but Phil's car was a garishly appointed Lincoln. I'll always remember that because of *[SPOILER]* how Phil had to move that ornamental chrome wheel so Billy could get Angelo Garepe into the trunk.
Coco's Restaurant, now offering curbside service.
[SPOILER] The previews for next week showed someone lying in a hospital bed with old withered hands like Mr. Parkhurst. I really, really want him to be alive just to see how someone lives without a scalp. Too bad the Rhoda headscarf was still fifty years off.
I thought she looked especially hot in that raincoat for some reason. Maybe it was the yellow…and the fact that she's fucking nuts.
How. could. you. not. know…
So far, all we've gotten is he was trying to put on mass but clearly skipped the part about working out to convert it to muscle. A funny one-off joke consistent with the gang's ADD-inspired, half-assed approach to challenges. And McElhenney HAD been putting on muscle mass to this point. Compare his guns from the pilot…
What do you mean?
Agreed. It was the 'Christopher' of Sunny.
I've decided it's to be written like this: HOO-uhs. Paulie Walnuts did the best pronunciation of the word.
General, you are a bloodthirsty foe. But your chicken is admittedly delicious.
concise, witty, and above all, accurate.