And the Satanic Verses was just a mildly titillating sex novel.
And the Satanic Verses was just a mildly titillating sex novel.
Schmatta is a Yiddish word that refers to the Jewish garment industry — the 5% that's left of it — in NYC. Before Miller's Crossing I had never heard the word used derogatorily in regard to Jews. I've only heard the word used informally in reference to the garment trade.
Plus, the shared gay sex terminology: Teabagger vs. pickle party. Wait…is Pickle Party an actual thing or am I just projecting again?
It's nice to know that not even the educated AV Club masses are immune to this idea that the help should just shut up and take it up the ass, no matter how great the proportion of the iniquity. Yes, Shearer is making a buttload of money, but, as usual, some parisitic, talentless suited hacks are raking in far, far…
Good catch. And I don't quite see Larry traveling by ship.
I too felt there was something off about the 'Mr. Softee' ep from last week. Minus, of course, a couple of classic bits like Susie's orgasm.
Yeah, I was surprised there was no callback to the Michael Jordan reference.That Hanes underwear commercial was just bizarre! Of course, my thinking it bizarre just underscores Larry's point about the offending whiskers. I loved that Bill Buckner had the same reaction as Larry to seeing that ad. Billy Buck, and his…
The build-up to the Seinfeld reunion?! And the scheming to win Cheryl back? Are you mad? Can I stop asking rhetorical questions?
Armin Tanzarian, anyone?
Ha! Yeah, head-shaking fool. Michael J. Fox wrote the book on grace in adversity.
That kid was adorable!
Amen to that. There is no upside, NONE, to 'steering' your male child in a more masculine direction. That way lies madness, and possibly a great deal of future psychotherapy, for a kid,
Yeah, clearly the mother — and Susie, to a large extent — was the asshole in this scenario. She was really going to take away his beloved sewing machine? That's just cruel.
I wonder how much was him and how much was acting? In other words, was he asked to camp it up or to be himself? Either way, that kid was so adorable and talented that really, what's the difference? And I can see where having a 'pre-gay' child would be a real challenge for a liberal-minded parent. Probably the truest…
I don't think I will offend anyone — particularly the Romanians among us — if I point out that Elena Ceacescu was one of the truly colossal cunts of human history. I may even be politely understating the matter.
That's right! Isn't that the exact same day on which Billy Martin died in a drunk driving accident?
Does anyone know if it's true that the Ceasescus (or at least Nicolae) crawled under the table to hide after they pronounced his death sentence? I do remember hearing how the couple screamed like alley cats on their way to their executions. The biggest egos so often die the hardest. Anyway, I was always tickled by the…
On top of his epic selfishness and brutality, Ceausescu just had a classic fuckface. I can only imagine what it must have been like having to hold one's tongue at some mandatory-attendance public appearance. With that smirk. Jesus…no wonder Nixon and Kissinger supposedly liked him the most of all the Communist Heads…
I'm figuring the recent wave of quality Romanian films is partly attributable to the terrific and enthusiastic production apparatus that has come to flourish in the wake of so many visiting American productions over the years. Romanian film crews, for one, tend to be top-notch. As a cinephile, I think it's really kind…
I just want to know whose cock Nick Swardson had to suck to allow him to make as many film and TV appearances as he does. Oh right, Adam Sandler.