The Well Hungarian

I think Johnny Sack's devotion to his 300lb wife contributes to our fascination with a character so fundamentally immoral on every other front. Larry David, of all people, illustrated this on 'Curb' a couple weeks ago when he was immediately smitten with a good-looking guy whose wife — coincidentally, played by Aida

Who doesn't like the drumming on 'Tomorrow Never Knows?!"

You are pretty damn smug on the fat/attractiveness thing. Congratulations on your genetics.

We'd be talking (or NOT talking) about a totally different show. Despite the different actor who portrays him, Liotta reminds me of how I always pictured Johnny Boy Soprano.

They probably saw Vito's car pull up and Phil said something along the lines of "Watch how I REALLY put a scare into that faggot". Or maybe he said "He likes comin' outta the closet so fucking much…let's just see how much he'll like it when I fucking do it".

Good catch. This indicates some sort of degenerative disease (ALS?) rather than the stroke I had always assumed.

Agreed on that whole skeptic foot-draggng convention. I too felt relief at Hank's ability to come correct with undeniable evidence the first time. Is there anything more annoying than ostensibly benevolent characters whose sole purpose is to run interference on the protagonist's end-game? It is an especially annoying

Don't beat yourself up too bad, dude. Vince Gilligan's writers have proven time and again just how adept they are at keeping the savviest of viewers on their toes. And we LOVE them for that.

Could definitely be a red herring. Everything about pursuing the Fring lead is problematic purely from a political standpoint alone. And the disdainful look on Gomez' face prior to meeting with Hank? Similarly ambiguous, if for more interpersonal reasons relating to their former partnership and Gomez' newly-elevated

Why couldn't everyone be Sam Elliot? Totally on board the 'Where's Sam Elliot' train as he is sixteen levels of pure awesome and always has been. And this is not meant as a slight to the actor portraying Merker who is perfectly effective.

I was going to mention this as Gomez was clearly shown to be not at all thrilled with Hank's return. At the time I attributed it to the whole new-boss-has-to-eat-shit-from-cocky-ex-superior-and-once-again-feel-like-a-peon thing but now I don't know.

Maybe. But Gus is all about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. IF there is a DEA mole then staying close to DEA fulfills that on both counts I suppose.

And Doug from HQ confirms Mike is a catcher.

I want in!