The Well Hungarian

It would be as if Nucky's character was named Greedy McGrabmore.

*Liked* for bringing the name Fists Arvidson into my consciousness. What are the odds Mr. Arvidson, during daylight hours, is a CPA?

Hee! Purnsley is Dunn.

What's interesting is that Eli was the one to initially tip off Nucky as to Knox's hinkiness…ala the handkerchief. So whether the brothers are in cahoots or not, surely Nucky's antenna is up where Knox is concerned. And while I love (fictional) conflict and drama…I too hope the brothers are working together as I loved

The Americans, FTW!

Agent Knox is a brilliantly-conceived, superbly-written character. And yet the lion's share of the credit must go to the actor, Brian Geraghty. So much of the creepiness, I think, is in his movements. They're so (purposely) stilted, almost apologetic. His aggression is so stealthy. Also, the way he moves his mouth.

Firing Tommy guns while wearing fantastic suits? I'm down.

Thank you! You've just given me a good reason to return to Las Vegas. Well, a reason anyway.

See, this is interesting. Fran Leibowitz once said the two best things about being gay…Avoiding matrimony and the military. She was being ironic, of course. In actuality, the LGBT community has fought tooth and nail to gain inclusion into these and other traditional institutions. And as you so deftly point out, this

Duly noted. Champaign County, the exception that proves the rule.

Yet Milwaukee uses 'soda', a regional exception to be sure. For thirty-odd years I said 'pop'…but once I moved out of IL I started saying soda without realizing it.

Ok, now we've drifted from opinion and into factual territory: Indiana is, in point of fact, the worst.

Amen. Being a Chicagoan means essentially being at cold-war with the rest of Illinois. We border Kentucky and brother, does it show. State politics are strictly Mason/Dixon…but thankfully the Democratic permastate that is Chitown colors IL blue in national elections. And boy is that one hideous — and hideously LONG —


Sister Daughter?

Sister Daughter?

Truly, breathtakingly horrific nightmares were so common back then. It was just this everpresent, back-of-the-mind dread woven into the fabric of people born at a certain time in our history. I was born in 1969 and came of age amidst the quant, oddly preferable menace of a singular, nameable threat like the Soviet

Though it occurs to me: Jaws would be a noteworthy exception to rule #1.

For me, pick any of the possession scenes from the Exorcist OCCURING IN THE DAYTIME. It dawned on me, two factors, unique to most horror films, are employed by Billy Freidkin to horrifying effect: 1) the aforementioned daytime horror. Since the advent of storytelling, night and darkness has provided cover for all

YES! 'Ghost Story' TERRIFIED me as a kid. Though I haven't gone back to look at that book since then. Is it worse than we remember?