The Well Hungarian

I couldn't agree more with every word you've said. And in my own mind, both 'Misery' and 'Pet Semetary' were the two notable exceptions in the Stephen King catalogue.

That's been my own knock on him for years. Take 'It', for example. ***SPOILER ALERT*** I was disproportionally apoplectic over that denouement. To slog through damn near 1000 pages of build-up toward a final confrontation with evil itself. And it turns out to be *****SPOILER******
a really big spider?! Meh.

Or as my dad used to say, "Please God, let the first one land right in my lap."

Is that the actor who plays Purnsley? Yes I'm too lazy to look. He's fantastic! Sublime. So too is the guy playing Micky Doyle. Theyre both astonishing as far as letting the camera — but not other characters — know what theyre thinking.

Amanda lemonparty. Cruise ship widow, sucker for tall strangers with colostomy-bag fannypacks. Omar was always the one skilled at small talk.

And that dog is a golden retriever. Yellow lab?

If I had just cast james Wolk and could only give him one line of direction: 'Bob Benson is a golden retriever who may or may not be carrying rabies.'.

Mildly dramatic competency?

In all seriousness…it is amazing just how seemingly attached all these images are.

I'm thinking it was meant to be perceived as a sincere gesture. MM (and James Wolk) showed us a 'private' reaction from Bob — embarrassment, concern — as he exited Pete's office. Sort of like the question that arose as to Don's sincerity when Sylvia abruptly ended their little Sherry Netherlands/domination adventure.

A Merlot Down Dirty Shame:
'We can talk about this. That's what rational people do, they discuss things.' As he buries Francine alive in a vineyard.

I am a month late in finding this article but I was compelled to post…

I am a month late in finding this article but I was compelled to post…

Hah! Me too! Total Paulie Walnuts moment. I've incorporated that in instances where others might say 'aw, snap!'

Hah! Me too! Total Paulie Walnuts moment. I've incorporated that in instances where others might say 'aw, snap!'

I only wonder if Rothstein went to the meeting with pure intentions and then saw a window of opportunity when he heard the room number. Or I it was all prearranged in his office alone with Nucky.

I only wonder if Rothstein went to the meeting with pure intentions and then saw a window of opportunity when he heard the room number. Or I it was all prearranged in his office alone with Nucky.

So now we know what Nucky and Rothstein were talking about privately. AR wanted to be on record as opposing to the hit.

So now we know what Nucky and Rothstein were talking about privately. AR wanted to be on record as opposing to the hit.

The south is like an anchor — socially, spiritually, economically, intellectually — on the United States proper. There's is a history of opting for hatred over any sort of progress or common good…and forever justifying it in conveniently applied religion and dubious 'heritage'. No one is saying these elements are