
Crank + Shoot em up
= I'll like this.

he'll probably
just wear a hilarious fat suit/muscle suit like he did in Tropic Thunder, because hey, Hollywood agents, amirite?

I thought
her name was Linda, not Linden for weeks.

and Dwight gets his own Avatar

I would love to see some fresh blood on the series as this last season was especially stale and tired in my opinion

both of these guys
would be a great fit. I would also consider Shia LeBouf - that guy is hilarious!

well crap
Next you're going to tell me that AdAge interviews in the 1960s were inaccurately portrayed on "Mad Men"

While there are some differences between CSI on TV and in real life, I heard that you get to work with Marg Helgenberger regardless.

Hey that rapping was the bees knees, son.

At least
we can all take comfort in the always accurate portrayal of lawyers, doctors and especially CSI technicians on TV. YEEEEAAAAH!

Reporters in general
always get reinvented on TV and in film so not sure why this guy is so surprised. Probably just seizing on the moment for some publicity.

This had better
lead to a new trend in which actual workers refute their fictional portrayals on TV and movies with boring decades old anecdotes no one cares about.

will Amanda Bynes be in this movie? Becuase she is rumored for THE role in the Dragon Tattoo movie. Battleship may want to snag her first.

I also think Megan Fox = Lizbeth Salander. Either that or Kirstie Alley.

I just hope
They have the balls to add a sassy black sidekick with a heart of gold and limited grasp of English to the film version.

his music
is what it sounds like when doves cry, right?

I miss Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers, Tail Spin and sunlight. But mostly Duck Tales.

That's what I call a firstie
James Firstie

I'd prefer it
if Hollywood could make my 3-D life appear in 2-D. Get on that James Cameroon.

My Pitch
Rabid gerbils vs. ninja turtles. It rhymes and I'd totally watch that shit but only if it stars Jayden Smith.