
Skittledog, are you referring to the episode titled (wait for it) "Book of Hours?" If so, there was specific dialogue in that episode that clarified that it was NOT, in fact, a bible.

Skittledog, are you referring to the episode titled (wait for it) "Book of Hours?" If so, there was specific dialogue in that episode that clarified that it was NOT, in fact, a bible.

I had a professor whose husband was/is the foremost expert on the Elvish language. We didn't have a class on it, though.

Yes, after 5 years you can't be put on trial/convicted of most crimes (except for "heinous" crimes). This includes grand theft/larceny. So by waiting 5 years, if he got caught while doing his current crime, he couldn't also be put on trial/be convicted of his other thefts, as well. Just the current one.

Yes, after 5 years you can't be put on trial/convicted of most crimes (except for "heinous" crimes). This includes grand theft/larceny. So by waiting 5 years, if he got caught while doing his current crime, he couldn't also be put on trial/be convicted of his other thefts, as well. Just the current one.

There was another moment with Neal that made me laugh, but I can't recall the details at the moment so it's probably pointless to bring it up now. But I will anyway. It was a "discovery" moment that focused on Neal turning his head with an "omg" look accompanied by an out of nowhere dramatic sound/musical note.

There was another moment with Neal that made me laugh, but I can't recall the details at the moment so it's probably pointless to bring it up now. But I will anyway. It was a "discovery" moment that focused on Neal turning his head with an "omg" look accompanied by an out of nowhere dramatic sound/musical note.

I had to laugh out loud at the shot of The Cave. Peter's punishment job is basically my actual job. Well, I don't work in evidence or catalog cell phones, but my place of work is basically a giant building full of boxes of material (70,000 cubic feet, to be precise). Meticulously labeled boxes: we have them. It's fun

I had to laugh out loud at the shot of The Cave. Peter's punishment job is basically my actual job. Well, I don't work in evidence or catalog cell phones, but my place of work is basically a giant building full of boxes of material (70,000 cubic feet, to be precise). Meticulously labeled boxes: we have them. It's fun

So heartbreaking! They did an excellent job of setting up the whole episode making us feel all happy inside that Neal finally feels like he belongs and really does not want to run. It makes it all the more devastating (to the viewer and to Neal) when we come to realize that Kramer is taking it all away from him,

Neal being put into witness protection could certainly be a jumping off point for him becoming a con man — having to become someone else, be able to hide from people trying to locate you, etc.

Since Eastin has said… — (SPOILERS, I guess…taken from the previously linked interview with Eastin) —

Definitely one of the best episodes.

Anne Rice based Reuben's physical appearance and voice (in her head, I guess, since this is not an audio book) on Matt Bomer. So he must be very very handsome, indeed.

I know a Carl.

Same here, El. I hook my computer up to my TV via an HDMI cable, and the quality is generally very good with little buffering. Very occasionally the quality will degrade, but only for 10 seconds or so until it rights itself again. I honestly have no idea what speed my Internet is now, since our cable company keeps


Also the scene where they were planning their search for Sophia, and Shane asked about what they'll do if they find Zombie Sophia, and Rick basically said to shoot her. Herschel and Maggie exchanged a "we do not approve"/"we are hiding something" look.

Minnesota taxes neither groceries nor clothes. Unless things have changed in the last couple of years. (Well, a small number of grocery items are taxed…like candy, maybe?)

Marina Sirtis
No, I'm not commenting on the wrong article. Seriously—for all you other total dorks out there—was that Marina Sirtis in the audience?? The camera kept cutting to a person who looks exactly like her after Melanie's performances. I don't have Tivo or any of those other magical devices, so I couldn't go