
My girlfriend and her sister are binge watching this (they're already on "Summer") and this is my first exposure to Gilmore Girls. I'm watching here and there; mostly in the background.

If I don't watch whatever show Polite Fight covers next, I'm definitely going to start just so I can keep watching Teti and Spelman. So far my favorite AV Club on-air chemistry and excellent analyses.

Along the same lines as Caroline, seeing I Am Sam with Sean Penn (blech) introduced me to some Beatles songs that I never knew via cover. I still have a special place in my heart for "Don't Let Me Down" by Stereophonics.

The Alpine Slide was the scariest experience of my life. I still remember the concrete burns.

Bitch Hunter and MILF Island are two of the funniest, most pitch perfect show concepts I've ever heard.

Don't drag my President into this, Gyllenhaal, if that's EVEN your real name.

I think it's an "ice fishing trip" not an "ice machine trip"… although the idea of whatever an ice machine trip would be is appealing…

Hey Nong Man

Guys, I think that Ned Stark might still be alive.

2nd Big Reveal: Katie Rife is actually the Red Woman.

Big Reveal: Princess Shireen is NOT the mother of Dragons.

Featuring Christopher Nolan's farts

"Come Together" and "Drive My Car" are both great, and everyone is wrong and I LOVE DA BEETELS!

What's with all the Abbey Road B-Side hate? I politely (vehemently) disagree with "The End" and "Mean Mr. Mustard" being on this list.

Some predictions are easier to make than others.

"Eddie Redmayne" Sounds like it could be a magical animal itself. "Look out, Harry, that Eddie Redmayne is using its fire claws to maul Dumbledore!" Or something.

Agreed. He can also just be so smug… "You'll never be as rich or have a sitcom as successful as me."

Nothing can beat the Mel Brooks/Carl Reiner episode

This next segment is called "Know Your Pieces of Late Night Talk Show Sets"