Oswald Defence Lawyer

Picture those identical songs being sung by a couple of 250 lb women, and realise that without them looking kinda cute (and having the right friends) they'd be where their talent would naturally take them, i.e. nowhere.

"much of it courtesy of under-the-radar comedians"
Just to clarify, these under the radar comedians include Paul F Tompkins, who's had a couple of TV specials and has released two successful albums of his standup; David Cross, one of the biggest standups of the last decade; Reggie Watts, so under-the-radar that he's

I know it's stupid referring to this as "debate".

Why bother beating anyone to the punch? Why poison the debate by pre-emptively saying anyone who doesn't like an Apatow film is part of some non-existent backlash?

And in the interests of clarity, Cooper, American football is a game which is shorter from start to finish yet takes considerably longer to play. And our football has the advantage of being far and away the world's most popular sport.

I'd have gone for "funboys". Ah, the good old days.

Vonotar, do you even remember the Robear Burbles in like episode 2? The worst idea in modern cartoons, and that's what they led with to get kids interested in it.

I just finished it, and while it's not the worst sitcom I've ever seen…

I don't really know anything about the man.

Pam Grier's photo down the bottom
Wha happen?

Somehow appropriate for this article. Well failed, sir.

This law goes after the little people while leaving the bigger criminals - the multi-million dollar corporations who employ illegal labour - well alone.

Evel, I remember many mid-90s radio shows with him on, where 95% of what he said about The Exorcist was that it was banned, not that it was particularly good. The stench of elitism is very strong on him.

Evel, I remember many mid-90s radio shows with him on, where 95% of what he said about The Exorcist was that it was banned, not that it was particularly good. The stench of elitism is very strong on him.

Was the episode good after that bit? I lost my concentration, or something.

Some people memorise train timetables, but that's a memory feat that people will understand. I guess like Americans and baseball statistics?

Some people memorise train timetables, but that's a memory feat that people will understand. I guess like Americans and baseball statistics?

This has nothing at all to do with McSweeney's, unless they've recently reprinted it. Its first exposure to the world (after its printing) was in Stephen Pile's "Book of Heroic Failures" back in the 80s, and it was reprinted some time around then, when Eggers would have been a teenager. Is McSweeney's the new Troma?

This has nothing at all to do with McSweeney's, unless they've recently reprinted it. Its first exposure to the world (after its printing) was in Stephen Pile's "Book of Heroic Failures" back in the 80s, and it was reprinted some time around then, when Eggers would have been a teenager. Is McSweeney's the new Troma?

Gorg, I seem to recall when this happened before it was to do with repeated insults towards the AV Club staff. Could be that, I suppose.